Commander RCN announces winner of coin design contest
September 26, 2022 - Royal Canadian Navy

Chantelle Klassen’s winning entry in the first Commander Royal Canadian Navy challenge coin contest
I am thrilled to announce that Chantelle Klassen of Naval Personnel and Training Group is the winner of the first Commander Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) challenge coin contest. The judges chose this entry out of 29 submissions from members of the RCN family across the country.
Chantelle’s entry was selected for its creativity and simplicity, and I was struck by the fact that it picked up on the imagery used in the RCN Code of Conduct. In essence, Chantelle’s work represents who we are as a naval community.
Her unique design features the naval compass rose cut out of the traditional round coin. The RCN crest is on the front of the coin. Three maple leaves, signifying the rank of vice-admiral, are on the back, along with the RCN’s motto, “parati vero parati,” Latin for Ready Aye Ready.
Know that the competition was fierce! And, keeping that in mind, I would like to take a moment to speak directly to every one of the entrants. Thank you for your submissions. The unique approach each of you took showcased the incredible talent that is resident within our sailors and RCN family. It is obvious that each of you put in an incredible amount of work and effort into your submissions.
The selection process itself was not easy. It was overseen by a diverse panel made up of non-commissioned members and a civilian employee, and led by RCN Master Sailor Maude Lauzon. Submissions were reviewed anonymously so the selection was based solely on design. The top five entries were submitted to Admiral’s Council earlier this summer. Deciding amongst these was incredibly difficult as each submission was strong on its own merits. However, after much discussion and careful review, Chantelle’s design was chosen as the winning entry.
The Admiral’s challenge coin is given as a token of appreciation and recognition. I am pleased that so many of you took part in this competition and I am delighted to have a unique coin that was designed by one of our own. I look forward to using this new coin to recognize the hard work and dedication of those who go above and beyond in contributing to the success of Canada’s fighting force at sea.
Yours Aye,
Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee
Commander Royal Canadian Navy

The new Commander Royal Canadian Navy challenge coin was designed by Chantelle Klassen from Naval Personnel and Training Group.
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