National Sentry Program: S2 Scott Peasley
Navy News / August 24, 2020
Sailor 2nd Class (S2) Scott Peasley is one of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) sailors selected to participate in the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) National Sentry Program for 2020, which sees CAF members standing sentry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, located in front of the National War Memorial in Ottawa.
“The Sentry Program means so much to me because it is such an honour to [remember] the fallen soldiers of Canada in such a special way,” says S2 Peasley.
The National Sentry Program reinforces Canada’s commitment to remember and honour those Canadians who served in the major wars of the twentieth century, including both World Wars, as well as those who have contributed to Canada’s long-standing tradition of military excellence through to the present day.
“It reminds you every day why you do this job and makes each day so meaningful.”
S2 Scott Peasley joined the Naval Reserves because he wanted to do something that would afford him the opportunity to expand his skillset, travel, and give him the chance to participate in amazing experiences only the RCN can provide.
“The Navy has provided me many opportunities to learn and to have amazing experiences. The National Sentry Program is just one of those opportunities,” said S2 Peasley.
Though it has been challenging to balance his duties as a reservist with other responsibilities in his life such as school and work, while finding time to be with family and friends, his colleagues at Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Carleton, the Naval Reserve Division in Ottawa, have been able to give him some great advice.
“Asking my fellow members how they manage to deal with their competing responsibilities, and learning from their experience has been a tremendous help. It is amazing how supportive everyone is of each other in the Royal Canadian Navy,” says S2 Peasley.
“It is so important to have a balance and it took me time to figure that out.”
Though he is looking forward to the opportunity to travel to different countries and regions with the navy on his first sail, he is thankful that he has been able to travel to both the East and West Coasts for training and to participate in exercises.
“My most memorable experience so far has been my Rank Qualification course in Halifax to achieve the rank of Able Seaman, the many memories, and the many new friends from across the country I made over the course of those three and a half months,” says S2 Peasley.
“The best part about being a member of the RCN is the experiences you make and the amazing people you get to make them with.”
S2 Peasley has been in the service for three years so far, and he is excited to continue his journey with the RCN so he can continue to grow his skills and continue to serve his country for a long time.
“To those considering a career in the RCN, I would say to them ‘go for it’. The navy has so many different trades and so many different career paths that there is something for everyone,” says S2 Peasley.
“The experiences and friendships you make will make it one of the best things you’ll do.”
Outside of his work with the RCN, S2 Peasley spends time as a minor hockey coach in Ottawa.
“It is such an amazing experience. I love hockey, and being able to help kids learn to love it as much as I do is an incredibly fulfilling experience.”
Although the National Sentry Program usually runs from April to November annually, the 2020 program was reduced due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Sentries are posted Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., from July 13 to November 10.
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