ARCHIVED - 433 Tactical Fighter Squadron reborn
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News Article / June 11, 2015 / Project number: rcaf-2050611-02
From 3 Wing Bagotville
The commander of 3 Wing Bagotville (Quebec), Colonel Sylvain Ménard, and the commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Lieutenant-General Yvan Blondin, participated in a ceremony restoring the squadron colour to 433 Tactical Fighter Squadron on June 9, 2015.
433 Squadron was disbanded on July 14, 2005 after 62 years of operation in Bagotville. Since that time, all CF-188 Hornets at Bagotville have been flown by 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron, nicknamed “Alouettes”. Lieutenant-Colonel Billy Mitchell is the commanding officer of the reactivated 433 Squadron, whose members are nicknamed the “Ti-pics”.
The return to four fighter squadrons is an important change for the Royal Canadian Air Force. "Recent and numerous world changes have required a change to our country’s fighter force,” said Colonel Ménard. “The implications for Canada as part of coalition forces such as NATO have resulted in a busy time for our personnel. The return to four fighter squadrons will give us more resilience and greater operational flexibility.”
Lieutenant-General Blondin presided over the ceremony. “I am myself a ‘Ti-pic’," he said. “I began my career flying the CF-188 at 433 and it was with heavy heart that I retired the squadron colour in 2005. You’ll understand, then, that I am very happy today to participate in the rebirth of this famous squadron ".
Argent in front of a hurt porcupine Or.
This squadron was adopted by the Porcupine District of Northern Ontario during the Second World War. The hurt or blue disc symbolizes the "hurt" done to the enemy and the sky through which the unit operates. The motto refers to the squadron and its nickname.
QUI S'Y FROTTE S'Y PIQUE (Who opposes it gets hurt)
ENGLISH CHANNEL AND NORTH SEA, 1944-1945; BALTIC, 1944-1945; FORTRESS EUROPE, 1944; FRANCE AND GERMANY,1944-1945; Biscay Ports, 1944; Ruhr, 1944-1945; Berlin, 1944; German Ports, 1944-1945; Normandy, 1944; Rhine; BISCAY, 1944.
Authorized as 'No.433 (Bomber) Squadron' 7 June 1943
Disbanded 15 October 1945
Reformed as '433 All Weather Fighter Squadron' 15 November 1954
Disbanded 31 July 1961
Reformed as '433e Escadrille tactique de combat' 15 August 1968
Redesignated '433 Tactical Fighter Squadron' 24 May 1978
Disbanded 16 July 2005
The squadron flew on bombing and mine-laying operations in Great Britain under 'Bomber Command'.
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