REMINDER: New approach for CAF Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention and information sessions coming soon

January 29, 2024 – Defence Stories

Estimated read time - 1:30

On March 1, 2025, a revised policy, DAOD 5014-0, Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention, will be introduced for the Defence Team. This change will broaden the existing policy and align the CAF Harassment program with the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention (WHVP) Program. Going forward, all incidents of harassment and violence in the Defence Team will be managed by the WHVP Program.

To learn more about these changes, DND's WHVP's Centre of Expertise (CoE) invites you to attend an information session.

When are the sessions and how do I register?

Sessions are available on MS Teams throughout February 2025. Please register for the session of your choice at the links below.

Why should you attend these sessions? What type of information will be provided?

These sessions will help Chain of Command/Managers better understand the upcoming changes to the WHVP Program and how they can better support their teams. CAF members will benefit from understanding how they are being integrated into the existing program already being used by DND public service employees. Additionally, all Defence Team members can learn more about WHVP Program and the supports that are available to them.

To read more about the upcoming changes, please visit Backgrounder: Upcoming Changes to the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Program for Canadian Armed Forces members.

Have any questions or feedback?

The WHVP CoE can be contacted regarding questions about the WHVP Program and related policy changes at

CAF members who are looking for support in submitting a formal complaint or to deal with any type of workplace conflict can contact their local Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) office.

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