Complete the employment equity self-identification questionnaire

November 26, 2024 - Defence Stories

Estimated read time - 1:00


All public service employees are required to complete the mandatory section (part A) of the Employment Equity Self-Identification (Self-ID) Questionnaire (accessible only on the National Defence network) in Human Resources Management System (HRMS)/PeopleSoft.

You are also encouraged to complete the voluntary part B of the questionnaire to help strengthen the data that underpins the efforts on advancing employment equity, diversity, and inclusion at the Department of National Defence (DND).

Self-identification is about you. Accurate Self-ID data is critical to better understand the department’s representation of employment equity groups and to inform future strategic employment equity, diversity and inclusion planning.

Detailed instructions on how to complete the Employment Equity Self-ID Questionnaire can be found on the Self-identification (accessible only on the National Defence network) webpage. Self-ID information is confidential, in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Code of Confidentiality, and is not shared outside of human resources for data entry, including supervisors and managers.

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