Message from the CDS and CAF CWO – release of Fighting Spirit: The Profession of Arms in Canada
July 17, 2024 - Defence Stories

Dear members of the Canadian Armed Forces,
Today, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) and I are extremely proud to officially announce the release of Fighting Spirit: The Profession of Arms in Canada.
Fighting Spirit, which replaces Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada (2009), is the second in a series of doctrine that started with The Canadian Armed Forces Ethos: Trusted to Serve (2022).
Fighting Spirit is a doctrinal guide that articulates the CAF’s renewed commitment to professionalism by describing what it means to be a military professional and how to apply these concepts to military service.
Over the summer, we want you to find the time to read the document. We cannot stress how important this is. This is a significant update in how we view the Profession of Arms for the 21st century. Take your time and reflect on what you are reading along the way. Detailed endnotes will let you explore the new concepts further.
Whether you just joined or have been a member of the Profession of Arms for decades, this document resets the conditions needed for a new personal and institutional fighting spirit that will help strengthen the CAF and our ability to defend Canada. Our shared and collective understanding of the professional concepts within the publication Fighting Spirit are paramount for moving forward in a positive manner.
In the fall, led by your new CDS, we will begin to collectively unpack and discuss the various new concepts as they relate to how we collectively address professionalism as a daily practice aimed at improving our military effectiveness. We owe it to all those who call Canada home to commit to showing up every day with character, competence, and commitment. This document will help guide the way.
Wishing you all a great summer,
Gen Wayne Eyre
Chief of the Defence Staff
CWO Bob McCann
Canadian Armed Forces Chief Warrant Officer
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