DM/CDS Message: Data transfer issue affecting CAF members’ access to internal federal public service jobs

March 21, 2024 - Defence Stories

Message from the Deputy Minister and the Chief of the Defence Staff

Defence Team members,

We are writing to advise of a technical issue affecting Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who created a GC Jobs account, within the past three and a half years, to apply to jobs in the federal public service. During this period, members may not have been able to see and apply to internal jobs listed on GC Jobs.

CAF (Regular, Reserve, and Special Forces) with at least three years of service can apply to jobs open only to public servants (advertised, internal appointment processes) under what is known as a mobility entitlement.

The Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) discovered a technical issue which resulted in a number of members not being properly identified in its system, potentially affecting those who attained 3 years of service and who had a GC Jobs account between November 13, 2020 and January 19, 2024. The technical issue has since been addressed.

For those who are affected, you should receive an email directly from the PSC with more details. We also encourage you to log in to your GC Jobs account and check that the job search page includes a separate tab called “Internal jobs” in the ”Search results” section. If you can’t see the tab once you’ve logged in, please complete their “Contact us” form. We are working closely with the PSC to address this issue, and to implement solutions in a transparent and timely fashion. To address any questions you may have, PSC has organized information sessions to explain the situation, what is being done, and to find solutions. Meeting details are included in the above-mentioned email sent from PSC.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the PSC at:

For more information on access to jobs for Veterans and active CAF members, please visit the Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans page.

Bill Matthews
Deputy Minister

General Wayne Eyre
Chief of the Defence Staff

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