Security Awareness Week: “Do Your Part-Be Security Smart”.

January 30, 2023 - Defence Stories


Security Awareness Week (SAW) is an annual event held during the second week of February in which departments are invited to promote good security practices and to share them government-wide.

Director General Defence Security (DGDS) is promoting a strong security culture at all levels within the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by encouraging sound security practices whether working remotely at the office or on operations. Security Awareness Week will be hosted virtually from 6 to 10 February 2023 with the theme "Do Your Part-Be Security Smart".

It is an excellent opportunity to increase security awareness and promote departmental security services for all DND employees and CAF members. Security awareness is a key element of the departmental security program under the Policy on Government Security and small daily actions can have a large impact on overall security. Here are some things that we can do every day to uphold defence security: Store your protected and classified documents appropriately; use your DWAN computer exclusively for work; avoid clicking on links or opening any attachments that seem suspicious and keep your DND/CAF issued IT devices safe by not travel with them unless authorized.

If you have any security related questions about proper security procedures reach out to your Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) or your Unit Security Supervisor (USS).

The online SAW will include a variety of new activities and products to increase visibility by providing important information on the core National Defence Security Orders and Directives elements. These will include: videos presentations on security issues from specialists; infographics; animation motion graphic videos, etc. All of these products will also be available on the various DND/CAF media to include DT newsletter, Maple Leaf, DND/CAF social media platforms, and DGDS intranet, etc.

To help promote security awareness at all levels, including the unit level, USS, ISSO, security practitioners and employees from the Defence Team who wish to promote security in their workplace may obtain products and information from the DGDS intranet Security Toolkit. To download products, visit the Security Awareness Toolkit page (accessible only on the National Defence network). To order promotional items, please fill out this Order Form and send it back to: You are an important part of keeping all members of our Defence Team secure through VIGILANCE!

The Security Awareness Training and Education Team

Director General Defence Security

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