Application for multiple pay equity plans for the core public administration

July 25, 2022 - Defence Stories

Following our pay equity consultation outreach in March and early April, I would like to inform you that the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), on behalf of Treasury Board as the employer, is applying to the federal Pay Equity Commissioner (PEC) to establish three pay equity plans for the core public administration (CPA). TBS filed this request with the Pay Equity Commissioner on June 24, 2022.

Notifying workplace parties

Bargaining agents:

We have informed the bargaining agents representing employees in the core public administration about the employer's request for three pay equity plans.

If you are an employee in a bargaining unit and you require more information about the employer's request for three plans, we encourage you to contact the bargaining agent that is certified to represent your bargaining unit.

Non-unionized employees:

Non-unionized employees who would like to obtain a copy of the request are asked to contact TBS at

Please note that "non-unionized employee" has a specific meaning in the Pay Equity Act. Examples of non-unionized employees in the CPA would include employees in the following classifications, as long as they do not perform management functions or provide labour relations advice, and are not employed in a confidential capacity

Sharing of employee contact information:

Please note that the name and contact information of all employees who request a copy of the application may be shared with the Office of the Pay Equity Commissioner.


For the latest information on the pay equity process, please visit our GCconnex page, titled "Pay equity for employees in the core public administration", regularly as well as and Canadian Human Rights Commission website for more details on pay equity in Canada.

Thank you.

Marie-Chantal Girard

Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Employment Relations and Total Compensation, Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Government of Canada

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