The Defence Team Intranet site is getting a new look

October 26, 2021 - Defence Stories

The Defence Team Intranet site is getting a new look

The Defence Team Intranet site is getting a new look

The Defence Team Intranet site (accessible only on the National Defence network) is getting a new look. On October 28th the main Intranet site for the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will adopt a new design, homepage, structure and top menu. The new design is based on results of usability studies, as well as user feedback and web analytics.

The updated site will use a hybrid of designs, combining the old intranet design with the style for a modern, but familiar, experience. 

The redesigned Intranet site will help Defence Team members find the most used services and information more easily. Links to top user tasks will be updated on the homepage, the search bar will be more prominent, and the login to an application section will be moved to the top so users can find what they need more quickly. 

The top menu will have a vertical design to align with the style of menu. The vertical design allows for more items to be shown, with more descriptive titles.  The new top menu items will be:

If you have any questions or feedback on the new intranet design, please contact us at

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