Panel discussion on LGBTQ2+ issues

May 14, 2021 – Defence Stories

The Defense Team Pride Advisory Organization invites the Defence Team to its first virtual panel discussion on LGBTQ2+ issues on Wednesday, May 19 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. EST

Speakers are invited to share their experiences and reflect on systemic issues within Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces. The guest panelists include: Olivia Baker, from Fondation Émergence; Martine Roy, President of the LGBT Purge Fund; Officer Cadet Julien Trudeau Senécal; Corporal Vincent-Gabriel Lamarre, a member who transitioned while in the CAF; and Artur M. Wilczynski, Associate Deputy Chief SIGINT at the Canadian Security Establishment.

To register: Registration form (Virtual spaces are limited)

* You will receive the login information by email 24 hours before the event. If you do not receive this information, please check your junk mail folder.

** Zoom is not compatible with DWAN, so please view the video on your mobile device, or copy the URL and paste it into a browser on a personal device.

*** Note that captioning will be available in both official languages to allow everyone to actively participate in the discussion. 

Related links (only accessible off the DWAN)

Explore the history of Canada's LGBTQ2+ communities by watching the following videos that highlight the lives of our LGBTQ2+ members, such as the gender transition of a soldier, the systematic dismissal of LGBT federal public servants, RCMP members and military personnel in Canada, the impact of the LGBT purge on Canadian citizens and the steps we can take to remember and commemorate this history:


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