Managers: Update on mapping blitz 3

October 30, 2020 - Defence Stories

ADM(HR-Civ) is updating PA positions with standardized job descriptions (SJDs) in preparation for TBS’s upcoming conversion (link only accessible on the DND network). This exercise is also known as mapping blitz 3, and Director, Classification and Organization (DCCO) is “mapping” and updating SJDs to positions that are a good fit. This means that the work in the job description covers the majority of the work that is assigned to the employee.

DCCO is currently working to map all positions within the following L1s:

Once these are complete, DCCO will finalize the mapping process with the following L1s:

DCCO can also run a virtual townhall on mapping blitzes and conversion to any L1 who requests it. If you are interested or have questions about the mapping blitz, please contact the SJD team. Contact HR Connect RH at 1-833-747-6363 for more information.

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