June 19: Twitter Update from the Deputy Minister Jody Thomas

June 19, 2020 - Defence Stories

Friday update: Following yesterday’s Roundtable on Racism and Discrimination, this morning Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen Jonathan Vance and I sent the following statement to all of our #DefenceTeam members: Message to Defence Team members from Deputy Minister Jody Thomas and Chief of the Defence Staff Gen Jonathan Vance on Racism and Discrimination.

Sunday is National Indigenous Peoples Day. Challenge yourself to improve your knowledge of our Indigenous peoples if you need to and be proactive in learning. I am.

Further to that, last Friday my tweets implied Métis and Inuit peoples were not Indigenous people. I should have said “First Nations, Métis and Inuit,” or “Indigenous peoples”. I apologize to those who felt hurt or excluded. Words matter.

‘Shout-out this week to DGIS in ADM (POL) under MGen Paul. The team’s support to our Minister has been stellar, most recently this week with the coordination of MND’s participation in the virtual NATO Defence Ministerial.

Business resumption activities continue apace. Glad to see L1s taking time to walk members and employees through the coming months. It’s a lot to wrap our arms around, and everyone’s patience and engagement is appreciated.

Here’s hoping folks can get outside and unwind this weekend. Whatever you’re doing, and whatever you’re celebrating, stay safe, stay engaged, be kind and wash your hands. P.S. Happy Father’s Day! Thanks dad!

Jody Thomas
@DMDND_SMMDN (external link)

This Twitter thread (external link) from Deptuy Minister Jody Thomas can be viewed in full on Twitter.

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