Minister of National Defence video message on Black History Month


Video / February 6, 2018

Every February, during Black History Month, Canadians celebrate and reflect upon the remarkable contributions that Canadians of African and Caribbean descent have made to our nation.

I am particularly proud to recognize the achievements and sacrifices of Black Canadians who have served and continue to serve in Canada’s military.

This tradition of military service goes back over 200 years.

I urge all Canadians to reflect on the bravery and courage of heroes from our past, like the members of No. 2 Construction Battalion, an all-Black unit created in 1916 during the First World War. The battalion built trenches, roads, and railways, allowing troops to move forward in Europe.

Today, Black Canadians serve in all occupations, at every level, and stand alongside fellow members in operations and missions.

Together, we celebrate the heritage of Black Canadians, and honour the integral role they have played in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Diversity is Canada’s greatest strength and we must always continue to build a country that embraces equality and opportunity for all.

I invite you to join me in thanking Black Canadians who have served our country and continue to serve in the CAF today, and have helped make our country proud, open, and accepting.

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