Setting Up a Polling Station
- Arrive 30 minutes before the start time for voting, listed on the notice posted by your Commanding Officer.
- Set up your table and chair to face the entrance of the polling place. Note: place chairs near your table if political representatives will be present. Your Liaison Officer will tell you ahead of time if any are expected.
- Assemble the Unsealed Box for Ballots EC 50250. Put it in a visible location on your table.
- Set up the voting screen on a separate table so no one can see how electors mark their ballot (i.e. away from windows and doors). Put a sharp pencil behind it.
- Post at least two Instruction Cards EC 78120 in areas where they are highly visible to electors inside the polling place.
- Arrange with your Orderly Room for a supply of postage stamps. These will be provided to electors who choose to mail their own ballots to Elections Canada.
- Write your name and position on Election Personnel Identification Card EC 50210 and wear it so it is visible to electors.
- Make sure the following are available for consultation by electors:
- Part 11 of the Canada Elections Act
- EC 06508 Guide to Federal Electoral Districts
- EC 06511 Street Indexes – set of 7
- List of confirmed candidates.
- At the time on the notice posted by your Commanding Officer, start serving electors. Note: at the end of each CF polling day, store ballots and materials in a safe place. Ideally, look for a place where the material can be locked up.

The image above illustrates how to set up the polling station. The voting screen is located on a table at the back of the room. The Deputy Returning Officer and Assistant are seated behind the registration table, facing the entrance, with their backs to the voting station. Political representative chairs are located on the right side of the room (point of view from the entrance doors).
Attention: Important instructions
Check behind the screen often to make sure:
- the pencil is sharp
- no partisan materials were left there
CF polls cannot close earlier than the specified time, even if it appears there are no more electors coming to vote. If polling activity appears to have completely tapered off well before the specified closing time, advise your Commanding Officer.
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