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National Defence
Reports and Publications
Military law reports and publications
Code of Conduct for Canadian Forces Personnel
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Reason for a Code of Conduct
What is the "Law of Armed Conflict?"
The Aim Of The Law Of Armed Conflict
The CF Code of Conduct
Peace Support Operations vs Armed Conflict
Rules of Engagement
The Role of Leadership and Discipline and The Law Of Armed Conflict
Alternate Format
Code of Conduct for Canadian Forces Personnel
- 1.08
Chapter 2: The CF Code of Conduct
Rule 1
Engage only opposing forces and military objectives.
Rule 2
In accomplishing your mission, use only the necessary force that causes the least amount of collateral civilian damage.
Rule 3
Do not alter your weapons or ammunition to increase suffering, or use unauthorized weapons or ammunition.
Rule 4
Treat all civilians humanely and respect civilian property.
Rule 5
Do not attack those who surrender. Disarm and detain them.
Rule 6
Treat all detained persons humanely in accordance with the standard set by the Third Geneva Convention. Any form of abuse, including torture, is prohibited.<
Rule 7
Collect all the wounded and sick and provide them with the treatment required by their condition, whether friend or foe.
Rule 8
Looting is prohibited.
Rule 9
Respect all cultural objects (museums, monuments, etc.) and places of worship
Rule 10
Respect all persons and objects bearing the Red Cross/Red Crescent, and other recognized symbols of humanitarian agencies.
Rule 11
Report and take appropriate steps to stop breaches of the Law of Armed Conflict and these rules. Disobedience of the law of armed conflict is a crime.
Chapter 3: Conclusion
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