Follow-up on Audit of Human Resources Service Levels

Table B-1. MAP Scorecard. This table shows the ADM(RS) assessment of the progress on the MAP.
Recommendation # Management Actions OPI ADM(RS) Assessment of Progress on MAP
  1. Service Standards
  1. a) Validate current service standards and update as required and establish baseline measures;
ADM(HR-Civ) Substantial Implementation
  1. b) Develop metrics to assess performance against standard;
  1. c) Approve service standards;
  1. d) Communicate standards and performance metrics to HR service providers and client groups; and
  1. e) Implement a plan to review and communicate service standards periodically.
  1. Performance Monitoring Information
  1. a) Develop standardized procedures and processes to monitor and report on service standards;
ADM(HR-Civ) Substantial Implementation
  1. b) Communicate the standardized procedures and processes;
  1. c) Implement the standardized procedures and processes to support monitoring;
  1. d) Actively and regularly monitor and report on service standards; and
  1. e) Take follow-up action if/when required.
  1. Risk Management
  1. a) Ensure the risk matrix for the Level 2/Level 3 business plan includes risks to service delivery with mitigating strategies.
ADM(HR-Civ) Obsolete or Superseded
  1. Service Delivery Capacity
  1. a) Review staffing certification program;
ADM(HR-Civ) Substantial Implementation
  1. b) Determine optimal range of service providers needed;
  1. c) Develop plan to acquire sufficient accredited and certified service providers, subject to full-time equivalent/salary and wage envelope restrictions/ceilings; and
  1. d) Monitor the level of certified/accredited service providers.
Obsolete or Superseded No Progress or Insignificant Progress Planning Stage Preparation for Implementation Substantial Implementation Full Implementation
Table B-1 Details – MAP Scorecard

Recommendation 1

Table C-1. Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 1. This table summarizes progress on implementing the MAP items for Recommendation 1.
Management Actions OPI Target Date Progress to Date Status of Action Item
  1. a) Validate current service standards and update as required and establish baseline measures;
ADM(HR-Civ) September 2015 HR service standards were updated, however, due to the implementation of a new service delivery model in April 2017, service standards should be reviewed again. Baseline measures have not been established. Substantial Implementation
  1. b) Develop metrics to assess performance against standard;
Metrics to assess performance against standards were observed. ADM(HR-Civ) has committed to performance targets based on the prioritization of staffing demands. Full Implementation
  1. c) Approve service standards;
Although evidence of formal approval of service standards was not clearly observed, it is presumed that they were approved since they are referenced in several corporate documents endorsed by ADM(HR-Civ), such as its annual business plans. Full Implementation
  1. d) Communicate standards and performance metrics to HR service providers and client groups; and
The service standards were posted on the ADM(HR-Civ) intranet. Additional plans are in place to directly communicate this intranet page to staff and client groups. Full Implementation
  1. e) Implement a plan to review and communicate service standards periodically.
A commitment to communicating, and reviewing service standards on an annual basis (once baseline data is available) was observed. The methodology for reviewing the standards was not described. Planning Stage
ADM(RS) Assessment of Progress on MAP: Substantial Implementation
Revised Target Date: March 31, 2018
LEGEND: Obsolete or Superseded No Progress or Insignificant Progress Planning Stage Preparation for Implementation Substantial Implementation Full Implementation
Table C-1 Details – Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Table C-2. Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 2. This table summarizes progress on implementing the MAP items for Recommendation 2.
Management Actions OPI Target Date Progress to Date Status of Action Item
  1. a) Develop standardized procedures and processes to monitor and report on service standards;
ADM(HR-Civ) January 2016 A new Staffing Measurement Framework has been developed and rolled out in April 2017. Monitoring tools have also been created to capture key dates relating to HR service transactions. This data feeds into service standard dashboards that are presented to senior management and HR committees. Key dates were defined and documented. Full Implementation
  1. b) Communicate the standardized procedures and processes;
Several methods to communicate the tracking tools and performance dashboards to staff were observed. Training sessions were provided and guidance is posted on the intranet. Full Implementation
  1. c) Implement the standardized procedures and processes to support monitoring;
Processes to support monitoring have been implemented but are not standardized. There is inconsistent usage of the staffing log to track complex staffing actions by HR service providers across the country. Substantial Implementation
  1. d) Actively and regularly monitor and report on service standards; and
Service standards are monitored and reported on through the use of performance dashboards which are presented to senior management. These dashboards contain relevant information such as service standard statistics and transaction volumes. Full Implementation
  1. e) Take follow-up action if/when required.
ADM(HR-Civ) has started gathering performance data through the use of tracking tools. Follow-up action will be identified and taken once sufficient data has been accumulated. Preparation for Implementation
ADM(RS) Assessment of Progress on MAP: Substantial Implementation
Revised Target Date: March 31, 2018
LEGEND: Obsolete or Superseded No Progress or Insignificant Progress Planning Stage Preparation for Implementation Substantial Implementation Full Implementation
Table C-2 Details – Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Table C-3. Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 3. This table summarizes progress on implementing the MAP items for Recommendation 3.
Management Actions OPI Target Date Progress to Date Status of Action Item
  1. a) Ensure the risk matrix for the Level 2/Level 3 business plan includes risks to service delivery with mitigating strategies.
ADM(HR-Civ) December 2015

The risk matrix was not observed.

The new service delivery model realigns regional HR classification and staffing resources into national classification and staffing functions, rendering the management action at the Level 2/Level 3 obsolete going forward. Although the concept of service centres is abolished, ADM(HR-Civ) should continue to identify and assess risks to service delivery at the national level.

Obsolete or Superseded
ADM(RS) Assessment of Progress on MAP: Obsolete or Superseded
Revised Target Date: N/A
LEGEND: Obsolete or Superseded No Progress or Insignificant Progress Planning Stage Preparation for Implementation Substantial Implementation Full Implementation
Table C-3 Details – Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 3

Recommendation 4

Table C-4. Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 4. This table summarizes progress on implementing the MAP items for Recommendation 4.
Management Actions OPI Target Date Progress to Date Status of Action Item
  1. a) Review staffing certification program;
ADM(HR-Civ) December 2016 Requirements for certification of HR service providers in staffing were reviewed so that certification could be expedited. Full Implementation
  1. b) Determine optimal range of service providers needed;
An optimal range of service providers has not yet been identified. ADM(HR-Civ)’s new Staffing Measurement Framework will yield information on staffing effectiveness and efficiencies. ADM(HR-Civ) intends to use this information to determine the optimal range of service providers. This new Staffing Measurement Framework was launched in April 2017. Substantial Implementation
  1. c) Develop plan to acquire sufficient accredited and certified service providers, subject to full-time equivalent/salary and wage envelope restrictions/ceilings; and
With the implementation of the new modern service delivery model, ADM(HR-Civ) will be reallocating its current resources to establish consistent HR capabilities. There are no plans to acquire additional service providers. Full Implementation
  1. d) Monitor the level of certified/accredited service providers.
The level of certified/accredited service providers will be monitored through the results of the new Staffing Measurement Framework. Completion of the initial reporting cycle of this measurement framework is expected to align with the end of fiscal year 2017/18. Substantial Implementation
ADM(RS) Assessment of Progress on MAP: Substantial Implementation
Revised Target Date: March 31, 2018
LEGEND: Obsolete or Superseded No Progress or Insignificant Progress Planning Stage Preparation for Implementation Substantial Implementation Full Implementation
Table C-4 Details – Status of the Implementation of the MAP Items for Recommendation 4

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