Figure 1. CANSOFCOM Organizational Chart. This figure illustrates the organizational units within CANSOFCOM.
Joint Task Force Two
Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit
Special Operations Aviation Squadron
Canadian Special Operations Training Centre
Figure 1 Details – CANSOFCOM Organizational Chart
Table 1 – Stakeholders
Figure 2. Approaches to Project Approval Process. This figure illustrates the standard and OBP project approval process for major equipment projects.
Figure 2 Details – Approaches to Project Approval Process
Figure 3. Project Approval Process Governance. This figure compares the governance for the standard Project Approval process with that of the CSOR Equipment Project.
Figure 3 Details – Project Approval Process Governance
Table 2. Summary of Assessment for OBP. This table assesses the CSOR equipment project against the most recent policies, guidance and standards to provide a forward-looking assessment relevant to the OBP implementation and not to measure the project’s compliance.
The CSOR equipment project (2007) was assessed against the most recent policies (2015 Project Approval Directive), guidance and standards to provide a forward-looking assessment relevant to the OBP implementation and not to measure the project’s compliance.
A: Governance Structures and Mechanisms
Governance structures and mechanisms are in place
A change management process is in place
The rank/levels of SRB attendees is not always appropriate to support decision making
B: Risk Management
Risks are managed, through project risk register and discussions at SRB
Updated Departmental risk-management requirements (i.e., a full risk-management plan) have not been developed for the OBP
C: Performance Measurement
CSOR project performance (scope, schedule and cost) is measured and reported
Key performance indicators aligned to strategic objectives to measure OBP outcomes have not been developed
D: Lessons Learned
Lessons learned are captured at the end of the project
Informal process in place to identify, collect, analyse, consolidate and apply lessons learned
No centrally located repository for lessons learned
● Processes generally in place and operating effectively / ◐ Some deficiencies or areas for improvement /○ Processes to be developed or implemented
Table 2 Details – Summary of Assessment for OBP
ADM(RS) Recommendation
ADM(RS) Recommendation
ADM(RS) Recommendation
ADM(RS) Recommendation
Figure 4. Project Approval Process Key Stakeholders. This figure illustrates the key stakeholders and their accountabilities throughout the life-cycle of the project.
Figure 4 Details – Project Approval Process Key Stakeholders