Relocation Directive - APS 2014 - Chapter 6

6.01 Purpose

The purpose of Travel to New Location (TNL) is to provide reimbursement for meals, miscellaneous expenses, lodging, and transportation while traveling to the new place of duty.

This chapter is divided into the following blocks:

6.02 Additional entitlements

In addition to the benefits outlined in this chapter, CF members may be entitled to reimbursement for:

6.03 First day of TNL

The first day of TNL is normally the Change of Strength (COS) date unless there is a change of Report For Duty (RFD) date approved by the losing and gaining COs. If a change of RFD has been authorized, TNL and ILM&M are to be coordinated to ensure CF members are reporting on the RFD date.

6.04 Meal entitlements

CF members shall be paid a meal allowance, as per section 3.1, for each authorized day en-route.

6.05 Lodgings

Entitlements are to be reimbursed as per section 3.2 based on the following:

Core benefit

CF member and dependants

Custom benefit


Personalized benefit

Accompanying pet(s)

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

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6.06 Multiple modes of transportation

CF members and their dependants may utilize multiple modes of transportation, however all dependants must have arrived at destination within 120 calendar days of the COS date (for Regular Force)/commencement date of the period of employment (for Reserve Force) to qualify for reimbursement under this policy. Entitlement to reimbursement of lodgings, meals and miscellaneous expenses for dependants utilizing alternate transportation are for the actual travel dates. Benefits for ILM&M as per Chapter 5 will be dependent on participation in the event being reimbursed.

Multiple modes of transport are reimbursed as a Core benefit except when the provisions for multiple vehicles under art 6.09 and 9.3.02 apply. When multiple modes of transportation are used additional benefits are not created.

6.07 Transportation to the commercial carrier

Core benefit

Actual and reasonable cost to the commercial carrier.

When there is a choice of airports/stations at a driving distance from old and new place of duty and it is more practical and/or economical to choose one over the other, transportation to CF member's chosen airport will be reimbursed.

6.08 Travel by commercial carrier

Travel to the commercial carrier shall be arranged by the service provider at least 14 days prior to departure except when it was impossible to do so and was supported by the BComd/BAdmO (i.e. Operational reasons).

Commercial bookings may be made from locations other than the geographical boundaries of the HG&E for service or compassionate reasons only.

The only authorized changes to the travel itinerary are for service or compassionate reasons and must be made through the service provider.

Changes to travel itineraries or stopovers to accommodate pets are not authorized.

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

6.09 Travel by PMV

CF members authorized to use PMV or motorcycle and to tow a trailer shall be paid a kilometric allowance as per section 3.3 as follows:

Core benefit

Custom benefit

Personalized benefit

Any additional PMVs, motorcycles or trailers.

Travel days
CF members are authorized one calendar day:

Note: When CF members arrive at destination in advance of the authorized travel days, TNL ceases on the date of arrival at destination.

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