Queen's Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR Cadets) Chapter 5 - Training, Discipline and Deportment

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Table of Contents

Section 1 – cadet training

Section 2 – cadet corps efficiency standards

Section 3 – dress and appearance of cadet instructors and cadets

Section 4 – honours, awards and flags

Section 5 – conduct and discipline of cadet instructors, civilian instructors and cadets

Section 6 – release of information

Section 1 - Cadet Training


The cadet training year is from the first day of September to the 31st day of the foliowing August.


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Cadet corps training shall be as prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.


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(1) The Chief of the Defence Staff may authorize summer training courses to be conducted in designated locations, for such numbers of selected cadets, as he may approve.
(2) To be eligible for selection to attend summer training during any cadet training year, a cadet must:

(a) have been a cadet continuously since 31 March of the preceding cadet training year;

(b) have attended 50 per cent or more of the cadet corps training conducted by the cadet corps, since he or she became a cadet;

(c) have written consent from one of his or her parents or guardians;

(d)be recommended by the commanding officer of his or her cadet corps; and

(e) comply with any other conditions as prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.  


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(1) The Chief of the Defence Staff may authorize and set selection criteria for advanced cadet training courses to be conducted in designated locations, for such numbers of selected cadets, as he may approve.
(2) Preference for selection to attend an advanced cadet training course shall be given to eligible cadets who have previously attended cadet summer training.

(3) A cadet who successfully completes an advanced cadet training course may be paid a training bonus in accordance with orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff (see article 7.13).


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The region commander may authorize the formation of a band within a cadet corps.  


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A cadet corps that is authorized to form a band may be entitled to a band grant (see article 7.21).


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Section 2 - Cadet Corps Efficiency Standards


(1) The commanding officer of a cadet corps shall maintain the standard of cadet corps training efficiency that is required by the region commander, having regard to:

(a) the organization and administration of the cadet corps;

(b) the regularity of attendance by cadets at cadet corps training parades;

(c) the proficiency demonstrated by the cadet corps in the conduct of the mandatory training programs; and

(d) any optional activities that have been or can be undertaken by the cadet corps.

(2) The standard of efficiency of a cadet corps shall be determined by the region commander, on the basis of reports made pursuant to orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, and may affect the amount of the contingency grant payable under article 7.20.


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(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), each cadet corps shall hold an annual ceremonial parade and inspection, normally between the first day of May and the 15th day of June, by an officer of the rank of captain or above or by a civilian as approved by the region commander.

(2) A cadet corps that is formed after the first day of February shall be required to hold a ceremonial parade and inspection during the first year only if the local sponsor requests an inspection.

(3) The annual inspection shall normally consist of:

(a) a ceremonial review and march past; and
(b) demonstrations of the various phases of training.

(4) The annual ceremonial parade and inspection shall be conducted at times and places arranged between the commanding officer of the cadet corps, the local sponsor and the region commander.


[5.12 - 5.19: not allocated] 

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Section 3 - Dress and Appearance of Cadet Instructors and Cadets


Cadet instructors and cadets shall wear the uniforms prescribed for them by the Chief of the Defence Staff.


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The dress and appearance of cadet instructors and cadets in uniform shall, on all occasions, be such as to reflect credit on the Canadian Forces and the cadet corps.


[5.22 - 5.29: not allocated] 

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Section 4 - Honours, Awards and Flags


Cadet instructors are eligible for all honours and awards as prescribed in orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.


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(1) Cadet medals, awards and commendations are made available through the Canadian Forces and private institutions to:

(a) recognize outstanding deeds of courage and heroism in saving or attempting to save lives and property of others;

(b) acknowledge the attainment of high levels of military skills; and

(c) to recognize significant contributions to citizenship and community service.

(2) Policies and procedures regarding the selection criteria for honours and awards shall be in accordance with orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.


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(1) The distinctive flags listed hereunder have been authorized to be flown by cadet organizations:

(a) the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Flag;

(b) the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Flag;

(c) the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Banner;

(d) the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Trumpet Banner;

(e) the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Pipe Banner;

(f) the Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets;

(g) the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Ensign;

(h) the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Banner;

(i) the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Pipe Banner; and

(j) the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron Banner.

(2) The flags specified in paragraph (1) (a), (b), (g) and (j) may be carried by a cadet corps on parade. The banners specified in paragraph (1) (c), (d), (e), (h) and (i) should only be carried on parade on important ceremonial occasions to indicate the formation of a formed cadet body. Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets is strictly a marker flag and shall not be carried on parade.

(3) Commanding officers of cadet corps shall ensure that the flags and banners are:

(a) not referred to as Standards or Colours;

(b) not emblazoned with honours or consecrated. They may, however, be dedicated;

(c) paid compliments at all times, less the Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, by cadet instructors, civilian instructors and cadets; and

(d) not, except as prescribed in paragraph (4), issued at public expense.  

(4) The flags specified in paragraph (1) (a), (f) and (g) of this article, shall be included in the appropriate scales of issue for centres established to conduct summer training, and shall be flown from a pole or mast at such centres.

(5) The banners specified in paragraph (1), (c), (d), (e), (h) and (i) are not replaced when worn beyond usable life, but are then deposited, like Colours, as memorials to the service which the banner commemorates.

(6) Members of the Canadian Forces, except as prescribed at paragraph (3) (c) are not required by regulation to pay compliments to command, branch, cadet or other training centre flags. Visiting members of the Canadian Forces may be
individually asked to pay, out of courtesy, compliments to cadet flags at cadet corps or establishments.  


[5.36 - 5.39: not allocated] 

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Section 5 - Conduct and Discipline of Cadet Instructors, Civilian Instructors and Cadets


(1) Every cadet instructor, civilian instructor, staff cadet and cadet shall:

(a) become acquainted with, and obey, all regulations, orders and instructionsnecessary for the performance of his or her duties; and

(b)  conform to the established customs of the cadet organization with which he or she is associated.

(2) A civilian instructor, staff cadet or a cadet is not normally subject to the Code of Service Discipline, but shall not be permitted to participate in any cadet training activities unless he or she conforms to regulations, orders and instructions issued by competent authorities.


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A cadet instructor, civilian instructor or cadet shall not be given access to classified information or classified material unless he or she has been granted an appropriate security classification.


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When a cadet is alleged to have committed a breach of discipline, he or she shall be brought before the commanding officer of the cadet corps or training centre, who shall conduct an investigation to determine the validity of the allegation. If the allegation is confirmed, the commanding officer shall take appropriate action.


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(1) The commanding officer of a summer training centre established to conduct cadet summer training may cease the training of a cadet who:

(a) fails to reach the required training standard or appears to be incapable of absorbing the training;

(b) is not adaptable to the training;

(c) is physically unable to undergo the training;

(d) is medically unfit;

(e) commits a serious breach of discipline;

(f) is ineligible by virtue of age; or

(g) other criteria as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), when the training of a cadet is ceased under paragraph (1), the cadet shall be returned to his or her home and a letter of explanation, including the details of his or her return shall be sent to one of his or her parents or guardians, if appropriate, and to the commanding officer of his or her cadet corps.

(3) A cadet whose training at a summer training centre has been terminated subject to paragraph (1) (a to f) of this article, and who has reached his or her 18th birthday, may request that a letter of explanation not be sent to his or her parents or legal guardian. A letter will be sent to the commanding officer of his or her cadet corps fully explaining the circumstances of the cadet's termination of training.

(4) A cadet shall not be returned to his or her home under this article, until it has been confirmed that one of his or her parents or guardians will be at home to receive him or her at the time indicated by the commanding officer of the training centre to be the cadet's estimated time of arrival.


[5.44 - 5.51: not allocated] 

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Section 6 - Release of Information


(1) Communications to news media or the general public, by members of the Canadian Cadet Organizations, will be limited to informational announcements of upcoming events to which the public are invited, special activities, or honours and awards presented to cadets.

(2) Any other information, policies or statements concerning the Canadian Cadet Organizations or their activities, will be provided by the Minister of National Defence or a designated officer.


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