DAOD 5029-3, Deployments

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Operating Principles
  4. Administration
  5. Recourse
  6. Responsibilities
  7. References

1. Introdution

Date of Issue: 2005-12-23

Effective Date: 2005-12-31

Date of Modification: 2007-02-02

Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members) who act as managers or supervisors of DND employees.

Supersession: DND Civilian Staffing Directive

Approval Authority: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) (ADM(HR-Civ))

Enquiries: Director Civilian Employment Policies (DCEP)

2. Overview


2.1 A deployment of a DND employee is a transfer of that employee from one position to another in accordance with Part 3 of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA).

2.2 Deployments do not:

  1. constitute a promotion;
  2. constitute an appointment within the meaning of the PSEA; and
  3. change a person's period of employment from a specified term to indeterminate.


2.3 Part 3 of the PSEA provides for deployments to or within DND as a staffing mechanism intended to support flexibility, efficiency and diversity in managing human resources to meet current or future operational requirements and organizational needs.

Delegation of Authority

2.4 Pursuant to the PSEA, the Deputy Minister of the Department of National Defence (DM) may deploy employees to or within DND, and delegate this authority. The DM has delegated this authority as set out in the DND Delegation of Authority for Civilian Human Resources Management Matrix.


2.5 The purpose of this DAOD is to provide direction on the utilization of deployments as an efficient and timely staffing mechanism to meet both employee and organizational needs.

3. Operating Principles

Values-Based Process

3.1 To ensure deployments are made in a fair, reasonable and transparent manner, managers shall:

  1. ensure, to the extent possible, that their employees are informed of upcoming staffing opportunities where the intention is to deploy; and
  2. communicate deployment decisions to employees within the work unit.

Consent of Employee

3.2 Deployments shall be made with the consent of the employee being deployed, unless:

  1. agreement to being deployed is a condition of employment of the person's current position; or
  2. it is found, after investigation, that the employee harassed another employee in the course of their employment.

Deployment Requirements

3.3 To be eligible for deployment, employees shall meet the:

  1. minimum qualification standards for the occupational group to which they will be deployed, as established by the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada;
  2. mandatory occupational certification requirements; and
  3. conditions of employment of the position to which they will be deployed.

3.4 Employees shall be deployed in accordance with the:

  1. Treasury Board (TB) Directive on the Staffing of Bilingual Positions; and
  2. DND Directive on the Staffing of Civilian Bilingual Positions.

Priority Employees

3.5 Deployments within DND may be made without prior consideration of employees with a priority entitlement. However, prior to deploying an employee to DND, managers shall ensure that any DND employee with a priority entitlement is given first consideration.

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4. Administration


4.1 Employees, including employees of separate agencies which staff pursuant to the authority of the PSEA, can be deployed to or within DND and all other organizations to which the Public Service Commission (PSC) has the authority to make appointments.

4.2 Persons employed in a separate agency which does not staff pursuant to the authority of the PSEA may be deployed to DND if the PSC has, after reviewing the staffing program of the separate agency at the agency's request, approved deployments from it.

4.3 The deployment of executives shall be made in accordance with the TB Policy on Deployment of Executives.

4.4 Employees can be deployed from one position to another within the same occupational group or, unless excluded by TB regulations made under the PSEA, between occupational groups.

Duration of Deployment

4.5 The following table provides information on the duration of deployments for indeterminate and term employees:

The deployment of … to a position may be made …

an indeterminate employee

  • for a specified term; or
  • on an indeterminate basis.

a term employee

  • for a specified period of employment of a same or different duration than their current appointment.

Note - The TB Term Employment Policy applies.

Incumbent Status

4.6 A deployed employee becomes the substantive incumbent of the position to which the employee is deployed, and assumes the classification level and any terms and conditions of employment for that position. The employee ceases to be the incumbent of the position they previously occupied.

5. Recourse

Individual Grievance

5.1 The employee who is deployed without giving consent, where consent to be deployed is required, may submit an individual grievance in accordance with:

  1. section 208 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA);
  2. DAOD 5026-0, Civilian Grievances;
  3. the DND Guidelines for Civilian Grievances; and
  4. any applicable collective agreement.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

5.2 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is an informal conflict resolution mechanism for resolving workplace disputes at the lowest level and at the earliest stages possible. Managers and employees are encouraged to use ADR to resolve disputes at any time during the grievance process.

5.3 For further information on ADR, see DAOD 5046-0, Alternative Dispute Resolution.

6. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

6.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with deployments:

The … is or are responsible for …


  • monitoring the application of this DAOD in accordance with the DND Staffing Management Accountability Framework; and
  • providing advice and guidance to civilian human resources officers (HROs) relating to the application of this DAOD.


  • providing advice and guidance to managers relating to the application of this DAOD.

delegated persons

  • exercising their delegated authorities in staffing matters in accordance with this DAOD.


  • complying with the requirements of this DAOD; and
  • seeking advice and guidance from HROs.

7. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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