DAOD 5006-0, Civilian Performance Planning and Review
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2005-04-29
Application: This is a directive that applies to Department of National Defence indeterminate employees and term employees whose terms are longer than three months and who have six months or more of employment (DND employees), and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members) who act as managers or supervisors of DND employees.
This DAOD does not apply in respect of employees in the:
- Executive Group (EX);
- Defence Scientific Service Group (DS);
- University Teaching Group (UT); and
- Historical Research Group (HR).
Supersession: CPAO 9.18, Civilian Performance Management and Review
Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under authority of the Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) (ADM(HR-Civ)).
Enquiries: Director General Civilian Employment Strategies and Programs (DGCESP)
Policy Statement
2.1 In order to enable mutual understanding of performance expectations and encourage open and continuous dialogue, the DND and the CAF are committed to a:
- cohesive, coherent, integrated and employee-oriented approach to civilian performance management; and
- consistent application of the Civilian Performance Planning and Review (CPPR) process throughout the Department.
2.2 The DND and the CAF shall ensure that:
- managers and supervisors are:
- providing all their DND employees with a formal Civilian Performance Review Report (CPRR) form at least once a year;
- being held accountable for applying the CPPR process and reporting in accordance with it;
- setting work assignments or work objectives with the DND employees that are meaningful and in line with the goals outlined in the organization's business plan;
- acting upon conclusions they have reached with the DND employee and which are documented on the CPRR form; and
- acting upon exemplary or poor employee performance;
- DND employees are:
- informed of their expected work performance;
- aware, prior to undertaking assigned tasks, of the measurement criteria to be used to assess their performance;
- provided with:
- feedback on a continuing basis;
- support and tools to complete their work assignments or attain their work objectives; and
- provided with an opportunity to respond to feedback from managers or supervisors;
- Level 1 Advisors are being held accountable for supporting the CPPR process and reporting in accordance with it;
- the ADM (HR-Civ) is:
- promoting and monitoring the application of the CPPR process in accordance with this DAOD and DAOD 5006-1, Civilian Performance Planning and Review Instructions, throughout the Department; and
- educating and training managers, supervisors and DND employees, as well as other key players, and providing advice to them in relation to the CPPR process in accordance with this DAOD and DAOD 5006-1.
Authority Table
3.1 The following table identifies the authorities associated with CPPR:
The ... | has or have the authority to ... |
ADM(HR-Civ) |
Level 1 Advisors |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policis and Policy DAOD
- Public Service Employment Act
- Public Service Modernization Act
- Public Service Staff Relations Act
- Public Service Employment Regulations, Schedules 1 and 2
- DAOD 5005-0, Civilian Human Resources Management
- Abbreviated Civilian Performance Review Report, Form DND 1628
- Civilian Performance Planning Sheet, Form DND 667
- Civilian Performance Review Report, Form DND 668
- Civilian Performance Review Report, Form DND 2325
- Applicable collective agreements
Other References
- DAOD 5006-1, Civilian Performance Planning and Review Instructions
- DAOD 5012-0, Harassment Prevention and Resolution
- DAOD 5031-50, Civilian Continuous Learning and Professional Development
- DAOD 5039-0, Official Languages
- Civilian Performance Planning and Review Course for Managers and Supervisors
- Department of National Defence's Employee/Supervisor Competencies
- DND Civilian Staffing Directive
- DND Executive and Manager Competency Leadership Continuum
- Guide to Civilian Performance Planning and Review for Managers and Supervisors
- Record-Keeping
Page details
- Date modified: