Kigali Preparatory Meeting: Protecting Those at Risk, Early Warning and Rapid Deployment

Meeting Summary
Kigali, Rwanda, 29-30 August 2017

The Kigali Preparatory Meeting was hosted by the Governments of Rwanda and The Netherlands from 29-30 August 2017. The meeting was organized at Canada’s request in preparation for the Vancouver Ministerial on 14-15 November 2017. The meeting comprised of military and civilian personnel from 25 Member States, as well as the African Union, European Union and the United Nations.

The goal of the Kigali Preparatory Meeting was to prepare insights and potential pledges related to the Vancouver Ministerial themes of Early Warning and Rapid Deployment and Protecting Those at Risk. The discussions served as an opportunity to further explore remaining gaps and challenges on these themes, and to shape Member State options for responding to them through the development of concrete deliverables and pledges to be announced at the Vancouver Ministerial. The UN’s August 2017 Uniformed Capability Requirements paper outlines the pledges being sought.

The meeting was divided into four thematic sessions, with each session comprising of presentations by panel members, followed by break-out working groups focused on discussion questions in the concept note. All delegates were assigned to a working group and were responsible for presenting their conclusions during a plenary session. Discussions were also informed by an academic paper commissioned by Canada.

Session 1: Protecting Those at Risk

Key discussion points and recommendations:

Session 2: Gender Perspectives in Peacekeeping

Key discussion points and recommendations:

Session 3: Progress Made on Standing up of a UN Rapid Deployment Capability

Key discussion points and recommendations:

Session 4: Progress Made and Ongoing Gaps in the Areas of Information Gathering

Key discussion points and recommendations:

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