Dhaka Preparatory Meeting: Smart Pledges

Meeting Summary

Dhaka, 1-2 October 2017

The Preparatory Meeting on Smart Pledges was hosted by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Dhaka with participants from 25 member states and representatives from the United Nations. This was the final meeting prior to the UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial to be held on 14-15 November 2017 in Vancouver, Canada. The objective of the meeting was to prepare deliverables and pledges related to Smart Pledges for the Vancouver Ministerial. This meeting served as a platform to take stock of the progress of pledges as well as to showcase new smart pledges, highlight new pledges to close outstanding capability gaps and share best practices on the rotation of key enablers. It also provided opportunities to take account of progress on increased representation of women in national militaries and international deployments, generate new gender pledges by Member States and share ways as to how these targets could be met in the coming years.

The meeting was organized into three main sessions. Each session was conducted with presentations by experts followed by open discussions to encourage views and comments from the participants. Break-out group discussions followed the sessions to provide opportunities for participants to contribute and comment on specific issues that were presented during the main sessions. Finally, Member States were provided with an opportunity to discuss their potential pledges, which will be officially announced in Vancouver.

Session 1A: Key discussion points and recommendations on Smart Pledges and the UN’s current and emerging capability requirements

Session 1B: Experiences and lessons learned from the Multinational Rotation Contribution of C-130s

Session 1C: Partnerships for the deployment of critical enablers

Session 2: Key discussion points and recommendations on increasing the representation of women in national militaries and international deployments

Session 3: Key discussion points and recommendations on UN peacekeeping reform

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