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VCDS Canoe Race – 2024


Thursday, 12th September 2024


0900 hrs – 1300 hrs


HMCS Carleton Jetty at Dow's Lake, 79 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON, K0A 0K2

“Take Flight for Good”

Make a donation to your favourite team by searching for an Individual or Team to Sponsor.

On this page

Get ready to paddle as we celebrate the 24th annual VCDS Canoe Race! This long running event is the yearly kickoff to our National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) in the NCR. It is always an exciting occasion, with great energy among participants and spectators alike!

This year, we're aiming to make a big splash by setting a goal of $20,000.00. If we are successful, this event will have raised over $200,000.00 since its inception! It's time to rally your teams and let the competition begin, all in the name of a great cause!

With approximately 30 teams participating each year, we're counting on your support to help us reach our fundraising target. To meet our goal, each team will need to raise at least $667.00. We encourage all teams to go above and beyond by sharing their teams individual fundraising link with colleagues, family, and friends! “Take flight for Good” and remember, every dollar raised brings us closer to our shared goal!

Who Can Enter?

Calling all L1s! This is your moment to shine! Gather a team of three paddlers and get ready to make waves. We’ll provide each L1 with equipment (canoe, paddles, and life jackets) for minimum of one team on a first-come, first-served basis. Teams wishing to use their own equipment are also welcome to register.

To ensure everyone can join the fun, we've set a minimum donation requirement of $100 per team and a registration fee of $10 per participant. Let's come together, contribute, and experience the thrill of the race firsthand.

Please note that the online donation page will close at 1300 hrs on race day, so let's make the most of the time we have. Remember, every contribution counts, and the funds raised will be credited towards your L1's total.

Hurry, as registration closes on Friday, 6th September 2024 at 11:59 am. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to showcase your skills and support a great cause!

*Please note that there are a limited number of canoes available to loan out. Each L1 is guaranteed one canoe with paddles and PFDs and these will go to the official representing team from each L1. We recommend additional teams bring their own canoes, PFDs and paddles, as the remaining canoes will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.


VCDS Canoe Race Schedule

0900-1000: Registration opens

1000-1005: Teams assemble at HMCS Carleton waterfront for VCDS Opening Remarks

1005-1015: Paddler safety briefing by race organizers

1015-1030: Paddlers embark in their designated canoes and proceed to the start line

1030: Canoe Race starts from HMCS Carleton jetty

1100-1150: Central Band to play

1100-1130: Canoes expected to cross finish line

1130-1150: VIP guests, paddlers and spectators assemble in HMCS Carleton parade square for award ceremony and NDWCC Launch

1300: Event concludes


Please note that limited parking is available. Because of this, we strongly recommend carpooling with your team to help reduce the number of cars on site. No cars may park inside the fence of HMCS Carleton, but outside the fence parking may be used. The Navy Curling Club has also graciously allowed us to use their parking lot for the duration of the event. No parking is permitted in areas marked in red.

Be advised that DND and the Navy Curling Club are not responsible for any theft or damages that may occur in the parking lots.

Race Rules

  1. All L1’s will be provided with an opportunity to enter one team. This team will be provided with a canoe, paddles and Personal Floatation Devices. L1’s who do not enter a boat by the deadline will have their designated boat allocated to another L1.
  2. A limited number of additional canoes will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, so we encourage teams to use their own equipment
  3. Teams must be made up of one canoe with three persons aboard.
  4. All team members will wear a certified Personal Floatation Device at all times during the race.
  5. Only canoe paddles are authorized for use (no kayak paddles).
  6. No motorized propulsion devices are authorized for use (no matter what the design).
  7. In order to participate, your team must raise a minimum of $100 in donations, and each participant personally register through the online portal.


Race Results

Winning Teams

Finishing Position Canoe # Grp/Level 1 Team Name Team Members Finishing Time Funds Raised
1st place            
2nd place            
3rd place            

Trophy Winning

Best Foreign Attaché/OGD Team

Best Decorated Team

Most Determined Team

Most Funds Raised (by 11:30 a.m. on race day)

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