Helping youth involved in the Criminal Justice System reintegrate into their communities

News release

May 16, 2024 – Dartmouth, Nova Scotia – Department of Justice Canada

Across the country, governments, police, lawyers, judges and community partners are working with communities and families to prevent youth involvement in crime and  ensure a fair and effective youth justice system. The Government of Canada is pleased to support the innovative work done by its partners to help help youth who have been in conflict with the law.

Today, on behalf of the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Darren Fisher, Member of Parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, announced funding of $672,000 over three years to Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia to address existing youth justice service gaps in rural areas of the province.

Funding for the Rehabilitation, Reintegration, and Reduced Recidivism of Criminalized Youth in Yarmouth, Antigonish, and Truro project will help the organization deliver individualized case management and intervention plans, including gendered and cultural supports, mental health services, educational assistance, and housing access services to youth.

The project will hire three Youth Justice Coordinators for the areas of Yarmouth, Antigonish, and Truro to identify and address gaps in existing supports for youth involved in the criminal justice system. They will then establish collaborative networks to deliver programming to help youth rehabilitate and reintegrate into their communities.

Justice Canada is providing $672,000 in funding for this project over three fiscal years (2024 to 2027) through the Youth Justice Fund.This will help enhance the  youth justice system’s effectiveness, address emerging youth justice issues, and promote citizen and community involvement. The fund supports projects that bridge gaps in services for Indigenous, Black and other racialized youth who are overrepresented in the youth criminal justice system across the country.

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia is a non-profit organization that addresses root causes of criminalization of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals. It assists vulnerable populations to heal and develop stronger community connections, and supports their access to justice through advocacy, guidance and legal representation.


“Helping vulnerable youth leave the criminal justice system is critical to young people reintegrating into society and making meaningful contributions to their communities. That is why our government is supporting the work of Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia and their vision of breaking the cycles that lead to criminalization by offering critical supports to youth.”

The Honourable Arif Virani, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

“We want to ensure that as youth exit the justice system, they have the support they need to successfully reintegrate back into their communities and avoid a life of crime. Our government recognizes the important work that Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia does in our communities and we’re providing funding to support their efforts in addressing existing youth justice service gaps.”

Darren Fisher, M.P.
Member of Parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia

"We are thrilled about and beyond grateful for this game-changing funding. It will allow us to identify the gaps needed to support our youth across the province in exiting the justice system."

Susan Ayles, Director of Programs
Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia

Quick facts

  • The Youth Justice Fund is one of three programs that are part of the Youth Justice Initiative, a multi-faceted approach to youth justice designed to create a fairer, more effective youth justice system.

  • Since its inception in 2003, the Youth Justice Fund has supported numerous projects that have helped divert vulnerable youth away from a life of crime. As of April 2024, this program is funding 23 active multi-year pilot projects across the country totaling $13.2 million.

  • In 2022/23, Black youth made up 15% of youth correctional admissions in Nova Scotia, but represented only 6% of the total youth population in the province. (Statistics Canada, special request)

  • In 2022/23, Indigenous youth made up 18% of youth custodial admissions in Nova Scotia, but represented only 7% of the total youth population. (Statistics Canada, special request)

  • The urgent need to respond to Indigenous overrepresentation in the Canadian justice system is included in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Report in Call to Action (CTA) 38. CTA 38 calls upon federal, provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments to eliminate the overrepresentation of Indigenous youth in custody. Learn how the Government of Canada is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

  • The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia has been in operation for more than 40 years during which time it has served more than 80,000 women, offered more than 600 programs, and carried out more than 700 support visits.

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For more information, media may contact:

Chantalle Aubertin
Deputy Director, Communications
Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Media Relations
Department of Justice Canada

Robin Cummings
Development Coordinator
Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia

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