Archived - Treasury Risk Management Framework for the Government of Canada - Text Versions

The Risk committee provides FMC with opinions on the risk implications and recommendations put forward by the FMCC, ALMC & RDCC. In turn, the Financial Risk Office Provides advice to the Risk Committee on risk issues associated with policy proposals and recommendations. The Funds Management Coordinating Committee provides with recommendations FMC on strategic matters related to cash, domestic debt, and reserves. The Asset Liability Management Committee Provides FMC with recommendations on strategic matters affecting the reserves and the Retail Debt Coordinating Committee Coordinates retail debt working group, develops policy advice and forward planning.

The Treasury Evaluation Committee Working Group Coordinates the assessment of evaluations to the Treasury Evaluation Committee, which assesses policies and operational decisions of debt, cash and reserves management.

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The current debt portfolio impacts the refinancing strategy, which input along economic scenarios (interest rates, state of the economy, and financial balance) into the simulation engine for cash flows and debt costs. The output of the simulation engine yields the analysis (Debt cost distribution, Average costs, Cost at Risk, Fixed or floating ratio, ATM, Duration, and maturity profile). These output then influence the refinancing strategy, which is at the source of the debt strategy framework.

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