Letters to Provinces and Territories: Northwest Territories 2024

The Honourable Caroline Wawzonek
Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance
Government of the Northwest Territories
Legislative Assembly
P.O. Box 1320
4570 48th Street
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 2L9

Dear Deputy Premier,

I am pleased to provide you with Northwest Territories’ transfer payment amounts for 2025-26 in accordance with the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (the Act) and relevant regulations.

Total major transfers to Northwest Territories for 2025-26 will round to $1.9 billion, an increase of $105 million from 2023‑24.

The first estimates of your territory’s Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social Transfer payments for 2025-26 are $58 million and $18 million respectively. In accordance with the legislated formula under the Act and its regulations, your jurisdiction’s Territorial Formula Financing payment for 2025-26 will be $1.8 billion.

Under the Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians Plan, the federal government guaranteed five per cent growth to the CHT from 2023-24 to 2027-28 to be paid through top ups as required. This year, the top up is worth a total of $713 million.

To access their share of the funding, provinces and territories were asked to take steps to improve the collection and management of health data. I am pleased that the Minister of Health has confirmed that all jurisdictions have met this condition. Northwest Territories’ share of the 2025-26 CHT top-up is $1 million.

Enclosed for your information is a table presenting the 2025-26 major transfer amounts for each province and territory. The table will be provided to your officials and posted on the Department of Finance’s website.

Yours sincerely,

The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C. K.C., M.P.
Minister of Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs

Major Transfer Payments for 2025-26
($ millions)
Province or Territory Equalization Territorial Formula Financing Canada Health Transfer Canada Social Transfer Total
NL 113 0 709 226 1,049
PEI 666 0 236 75 977
NS 3,465 0 1,410 449 5,324
NB 3,123 0 1,128 359 4,610
QC 13,567 0 11,917 3,795 29,280
ON 546 0 21,396 6,814 28,757
MB 4,689 0 1,974 629 7,291
SK 0 0 1,634 521 2,155
AB 0 0 6,560 2,089 8,649
BC 0 0 7,548 2,404 9,952
NU 0 2,231 54 17 2,302
NWT 0 1,803 58 18 1,879
YK 0 1,454 62 20 1,536
TOTAL 26,170 5,489 54,685 17,416 103,759

Totals may not add due to rounding.

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