Remarks by the Deputy Prime Minister on expanding access to the Canadian Dental Care Plan


Toronto, Ontario — July 9, 2024

Check against delivery

Hello everyone.

I would like to begin by acknowledging that we are gathered on the traditional territories of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, the Anishinaabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat.

I am so glad to be in my own riding of University—Rosedale today with the amazing team at the University of Toronto’s Children’s Dentistry Clinic.

I do want to start by sharing some good news about Canada’s economy: Just over a week ago, Statistics Canada reported that the Canadian economy grew by 0.3 percent in April. That shows the Canadian economy remains resilient.

The StatsCan flash estimate is that the Canadian economy grew at an annualized rate of 1.9 percent in the second quarter of this year. The Canadian economy grew at an annualized rate of 1.7 percent in the first quarter of this year.

That is stronger than the growth in the United States and it is the second strongest growth in the G7.

Overall, the OECD expects the Canadian economy to see the second fastest rate of growth among the G7 this year and the fastest growth in 2025, tied only with the U.S.

These are powerful economic proof points. They show that Canada’s economy is strong and resilient. And that our economic plan is financially responsible. 

That really matters, because it means that we can afford to make the investments that Canadians need, including through the Canadian Dental Care Plan. That’s what we are talking about today.

Our government is committed to delivering fairness for every generation of Canadians. That’s why, last year, we launched the new Canadian Dental Care Plan. Because up until very recently in Canada, you’ve been able to tell how much money someone makes, or how much money their parents make, by their smile. That’s not right. It’s not fair. Our government is now changing that. 

Already, more than 2.1 million Canadians have been approved under the Canadian Dental Care Plan and about 250,000 Canadians have received care under the Plan.

Dental care is now available to eligible seniors, and—as of June 27th—to adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate, and to Canadians under 18, the kids who are being taken care of here.

That means parents or legal guardians can now apply online for the Canadian Dental Care Plan on behalf of their children—so those kids can get the care they need at great places like the UofT Children’s Dentistry Clinic.

All eligible Canadians aged 18 to 64 will be able to enrol in the Canadian Dental Care Plan online in 2025.

This means that, in total, up to 9 million uninsured Canadians will receive dental coverage next year. Until this point, these people have been paying for their dental care themselves.

Our Canadian Dental Care Plan is already making a real, concrete difference in the lives of millions of Canadians, thanks also to the really loving thoughtful care that dentists like the ones here with us today are providing. We want to make it even easier for Canadians to get the dental care they need and for providers—like the Clinic we are at today—to deliver that care.

That is why, as of yesterday, dental care providers have the option of providing their services on a claim-by-claim basis, without having to formally sign up to the Canadian Dental Care Plan.

This means that people who are covered under the Canadian Dental Care Plan can see a provider of their choice, as long as the provider agrees to bill Sun Life—the insurance company who manages the Canadian Dental Care Plan on behalf of the federal government—directly.

This new, simplified process means that all dental care providers across the country can now provide care under the Canadian Dental Care Plan. By making it easier for providers to participate in the Canadian Dental Care Plan, more Canadians will be able to receive the affordable dental care they need—from seniors, to people with disabilities, to kids, including the really young kids who get treated here. 

More Canadians will no longer have to choose between taking care of their teeth and paying their bills. Now, that’s what I mean by fairness.

Our government is acting now—and acting with purpose. Because we know Canadians are counting on us.

Thank you very much.

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