Biographical Notes - Carolyn Rogers


Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carolyn Rogers is a Chartered Professional Accountant, and holds a Bachelor of Arts from Brandon University, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Queen’s University.

Ms. Rogers currently serves as Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. From 2016 to 2019, Ms. Rogers served as Assistant Superintendent, Regulation Sector at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), where she was responsible for OSFI’s policy-related functions, including capital, accounting, and legislation.

Prior to joining OSFI, Ms. Rogers served as Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer of the integrated financial sector regulator of British Columbia, the Financial Institutions Commission (FICOM) from 2010 to 2016. She chaired the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators and the Canadian Credit Union Prudential Supervisors’ Association.

Before entering the provincial public service, Ms. Rogers worked in various roles in the private sector, including as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer of a private company. She also worked in the financial services sector at several credit union organizations and at the Royal Bank of Canada.

Ms. Rogers is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), holds a Bachelor of Arts from Brandon University, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Queen’s University, and has completed the Institute of Corporate Directors-Rotman Directors Education Program. 

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