Working with the Indigenous community

By maintaining positive relationships and solid partnerships with the community, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) offers Indigenous offenders cultural responsive interventions, programs and services. This section explains the role and function of various professionals, partners and stakeholders, including:


Elders and spiritual advisors guide Indigenous offenders to traditional Indigenous ways of life, based on their own teachings. They work both individually and in groups using:

The defining characteristics of an Elder are:

Elders follow a traditional way of life and have been following the teaching of Elders and healers over a significant period of time. Some Elders may have additional attributes, such as those of a traditional healer.

Services that an Elder or spiritual advisor may offer to offenders include:

Forum on Corrections Research explains the tradition and holistic approach of Elders. It discusses the validity of diagnoses, cultural competence and programs for Indigenous offenders.

Elder Vulnerability within CSC summarizes recommendations and action plans that are areas of concerns and vulnerabilities of Elders working with CSC.


Online article

Elders at CSC – The Cornerstone of Indigenous Corrections -

Indigenous staff

Learn about the staff who specialize in helping Indigenous offenders find a more traditional path to healing.

Indigenous liaison officers

Indigenous liaison officers (ILOs) work closely with Elders/spiritual advisors. They:

Indigenous correctional program officers

Indigenous correctional program officers (ICPOs) are part of the case management team. They:

Indigenous community development officers

Indigenous community development officers (ICDOs) work with Indigenous offenders interested in returning to their communities. Through the Section 84 process, ICDOs also assist in building positive partnerships between Indigenous communities and CSC.

Indigenous community liaison officers

Indigenous community liaison officers (ICLOs) work from the community. They:

Regional Pathways coordinators

Regional Pathways coordinators help to develop and monitor the Pathways Initiative and its results. They ensure the cultural appropriateness and competence of Pathways:

Institutional Pathways coordinators

An institutional Pathways coordinator (IPC) works at any institution with 40 or more Pathways participants. The IPC coordinates Indigenous services, activities and interventions in collaboration with:

National Indigenous Advisory Committee

The National Indigenous Advisory Committee (NIAC) provides advice to CSC on correctional policies and practices related to reintegration of Indigenous offenders. It provides expertise on Indigenous issues like:

Section 82 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act guides the NACC. CSC established the committee in 2000.

Review past records of NAAC meetings:

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