The National Indigenous Plan

The National Indigenous Plan is the foundation for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) to respond to the majority of the Office of the Auditor General’s (OAG's) recommendations. It provides a national framework to transform Indigenous case management and corrections. The National Indigenous Plan includes streamlining existing Indigenous resources and services to ensure that those offenders choosing to access the Indigenous Continuum of Care interventions are prioritized for placement at specific maximum, medium and minimum sites.

CSC’s National Indigenous Plan transforms Indigenous case management and corrections through enhancing various policies, operations and practices to better meet the needs of Indigenous offenders. Key components include:

As part of the National Indigenous Plan, Elder and liaison services continue to be available at all institutions. As well, Section 84 release planning begins 2 years prior to an offender’s day parole eligibility date, to ensure that Indigenous communities can actively engage in release planning of their members.

Another key element of the National Indigenous Plan is the automatic security review process for Indigenous offenders. Security reviews take place for Indigenous offenders upon the completion of a main program and following 6 months within Pre-Pathways and Pathways Interventions. This ensures that the offenders’ progress is considered for a lower security level reclassification or conditional release.

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