Substance abuse
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R-436 Characteristics, Institutional Behaviour, and Post-release Success of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Participants: Examining Differences across OAT Options (Farrell MacDonald, S. & Beauchamp, T., 2022)
R-421 Application of Technological Advances in the Assessment and Treatment of Addiction in Corrections (Amlung, Vedelago, Morris, Petker, Balodis, McLachlan, Mamak, Moulden, Chaimowitz, and MacKillop, 2018)
R-398 Health and service access challenges for correctional offenders with mental health and substance use problems in transition from incarceration to community: A literature review (Murphy, Ali, and Fischer, 2018)
R-379 Comorbid Mental Disorders: Prevalence and Impact on Institutional Outcomes (Stewart, and Wilton, 2017)
R-358 Women Offenders, Substance Use, and Behaviour (Farrell-MacDonald, Gobeil, Biro, Ritchie, and Curno, 2015)
R-346 Assessing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Women Offenders (Forrester, Davis, Moser, MacPherson, Gobeil and Chudley, 2015)
R-340 Promising Intervention Approaches for Offenders with Cognitive Deficits Related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Other Neuropsychological Disorders (Forrester, Nolan, Stewart, Mullins and MacPherson, 2015)
R-335 Outcomes for Sex Offenders with Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders (Wilton, Stewart and Mossière, 2014)
R-326 Distinguishing Characteristics of Substance Abuse Program Completers and Non-Completers (Richer, Lemelin and Ternes, 2014)
R-323 Institutional Adjustment of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Participants (Cheverie, MacSwain, Farrell-MacDonald and Johnson, 2014)
R-322 Post-Release Outcomes of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (MacSwain, Farrell-MacDonald and Cheverie, 2014)
R-307 Characteristics of Women Participants in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (MacSwain, Cheverie, Farrell-MacDonald and Johnson, 2014)
R-299 Characteristics, Institutional Adjustment, and Post-Release Success of Drug and Alcohol Users (Cheverie, Ternes and Farrell-MacDonald, 2014)
R-291 An Examination of the Effectiveness of the National Substance Abuse Program Moderate Intensity (NSAP-M) on Institutional Adjustment and Post-Release Outcomes (Ternes, Doherty and Matheson, 2014)
R-290 An Examination of the Effectiveness of the National Substance Abuse Program - High Intensity (NSAP-H) on Institutional Adjustment and Post-Release Outcomes (Doherty, Ternes and Matheson, 2014)
R-284 Institutional Adjustment of Offenders Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in a Canadian Federal Penitentiary (Mullins, MacPherson, Moser and Matheson, 2014)
R-277 Outcomes for Offenders with Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders (Wilton and Stewart, 2012)
R-253 Characteristics of Participants in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) Program (Johnson, Farrell-MacDonald and Cheverie, 2011)
R-247 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in a correctional population: Prevalence, screening and characteristics (MacPherson, Chudley and Grant, 2011)
R-232 Assessing the Impact of Enhanced Drug Interdiction Activities at Kingston Penitentiary: A Pilot Study (Johnson, Cheverie and Moser, 2010)
R-217 The Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP): Examining the effects of successful completion on post-release outcomes (Kunic and Varis, 2010)
B-48 Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment for Opioid Dependent Inmates (Cheverie, Johnson and Moser, 2010) See Brief (B) disclaimer
ERR-19-15 Measures of Impulsivity and Decision-Making: Emerging Research Results (2019)
ERR-12-04 Institutional Adjustment of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (2012)
ERR-12-03 Post Release Outcomes of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (2012)
ERR-12-02 Characteristics of Women Participants in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (2012)
RIB-23-39 Non-Fatal Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2021/2022 (2023)
RIB-23-21 Non-Fatal Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2020-2021 (2023)
RIB-23-20 Indigenous and non-Indigenous Women Offenders' Substance Use over Time: 2010 to 2021 (2023)
RIB-23-19 Women Offenders' Substance Use over Time: 2010 to 2021 (2023)
RIB-23-18 Substance Use Patterns of Women Offenders across Ethnocultural Groups (2023)
RIB-23-17 Women Offenders' Substance Use Patterns across Regions (2023)
RIB-23-16 Men Offenders with a History of Substance Use During a Prior Incarceration (2023)
RIB-23-01 Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2019/2020 (2023)
RIB-22-04 Follow-up study of inmates under opioid agonist treatment before and after release (2023)
RIB-20-08 Men Offenders’ Substance Use Patterns: An Ethnocultural Comparison over Time (2006 to 2019) (2022)
RIB-20-07 Regional Examination of Federal Men Offender's Substance Use Patterns: 2006 to 2019 (2022)
RIB-20-06 Federal Men Offenders' Substance Use Patterns over Time: 2006 to 2019 (2022)
RIB-19-13 Proportion of crimes associated with substance use (2019)
RIB-19-09 Comparison of Women Offenders Who Use Opioids versus Other Types of Substances (2019)
RIB-19-08 Substance Use Patterns of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Women Offenders (2019)
RIB-15-07 Comparison of Characteristics Across Types of Substance Users (2015)
RIB-15-03 Drug Overdose Among Federally Incarcerated Men Offenders (2015)
RIB-15-01 Substance Use and Behaviour: The Role of Gender (2015)
RIB-14-45 Regional Comparisons of Men and Women Offenders-Substance Use (2015)
RIB-14-44 Comparing Lifetime Substance Use Patterns of Men and Women Offenders (2015)
RIB-14-43 Lifetime Substance Use Patterns of Men Offenders (2015)
RR-12-01 Drug-related Deaths among Recently Released Offenders: A Review of the Literature (2012)
RR-10-01 Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Among Offenders (2010)
RS-14-28 Substance Use During Pregnancy Among Women Offenders (2014)
RS-14-26 Comparing Substance Use Patterns of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women Offenders (2014)
RS-14-24 Lifetime Substance Use Patterns of Women Offenders (2014)
RS-14-19 Severity of Substance Use, Discretionary Release, and Return to Federal Custody (2014)
RS-14-05 Urinalysis Results from the 2012/13 Fiscal Year (2014)
RS-13-09 Concurrent Disorders and Substance Abuse Disorders Among Ethnic Offenders (2014)
RS-13-05 Substance Abuse Problem Severity, Treatment Readiness and Response Bias among Incarcerated Male Offenders (2014)
RS-13-03 Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) and Cultural Engagement (2013)
RS-13-02 The Cultural, Social and Substance Use Histories of Male Offenders Enrolled in the Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) (2013)
RS-13-01 Substance Use on Day Offence in a Sample of Male Federal Offenders (2013)
RS-12-10 Offender Substance Use Patterns: Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Offenders (2012)
RS-12-09 Comparing the Mental Health Treatment and Abuse Histories of Men and Women Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants (2012)
RS-11-06 Linking Type of Substance Use and Type of Crime in Male Offenders (2011)
RS-11-05 The Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use with Male Offenders (2011)
RS-11-03 Offender Satisfaction with the Computerized Assessment of Substance Abuse (CASA) (2011)
RS-10-02 Prevalence of Injection Drug Use among Male Offenders (2010)
R202 Women Offender Substance Abuse Programming and Community Reintegration (Matheson, Doherty and Grant, 2009)
R171 The Women Offender Substance Abuse Programming: Interim Research Report (Grant, Furlong, Hume, White and Doherty, 2008)
R173 The Computerized Assessment of Substance Abuse (CASA): Results from the Demonstration Project (Kunic and Grant, 2006)
R151 Intensive Support Units (ISU) for Federal Offenders with Substance Abuse Problems: An Impact Analysis (Grant, Yaris and Lefebvre, 2005)
R133 Predictors of Revocation of Conditional Release among Substance Abusing Women Offenders (Verbrugge, Nunes, Johnson and Taylor, 2002)
R120 Substance Abuse Programming A Proposed Structure (Hume, 2001)
R119 Institutional Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Impact on Release Outcome and Institutional Behaviour (Johnson, van de Ven and Grant, 2001)
R75 Case Needs Review: Substance Abuse Domain (Bolan, Henderson and Baker, 1998)
R71 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Implications for Correctional Service (Boland, Burrill, Duwym and Karp, 1998)
R40 The Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program: Analysis of Intermediate and Post-release Outcomes (Millson, Weekes and Lightfoot, 1995)
R37 Native Offender Substance Abuse Assessment: The Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument (Vanderburg, Weekes and Millson, 1994)
R35 The Native Offender Substance Abuse Pre-treatment Program: Intermediate Measures of Program Effectiveness (Weekes and Millson, 1994)
R26 An Assessment of the Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program at Drumheller Institution (Millson and Robinson, 1992)
R11 Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Use among Federal Offenders as Assessed by the Computerized Lifestyle Screening Instrument (Robinson, Porporino and Millson, 1991)
ERR-09-01 The Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program: A Holistic Intervention (2009)
R16 Evaluation of Correctional Service of Canada Substance Abuse Programs (Gendreau and Goggin, 1991)
RR-09-02 Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Correctional Settings (2009)
RS-09-02 Substance Abuse Among Male Offenders (2009)
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