Infographic: Correctional Plan Progress Report

Are you a registered victim and want to know:

  • if the offender is taking the steps they need towards their rehabilitation?
  • when the offender is eligible for release?

The Correctional Plan Progress Report (CPPR) is a summary of the offender’s correctional plan.

Information about the offender found in the CPPR may include:

  • factors that led to incarceration
  • upcoming or completed programming
  • what factors need improvement to address the criminal behaviour of the offender
  • if progress is being made toward achieving the goals of the correctional plan, or if there are ongoing challenges.

The CPPR allows victims to:

  • stay informed about the offender’s progress
  • be better prepared when writing a victim statement and/or observing an offender’s parole hearing
  • develop informed safety plans with local authorities when the offender is returning to the community

The Corrections and Conditional Release Act allows CSC to share specific information with registered victims about an offender’s progress throughout their sentence.

To register to receive information, including to request a CPPR, you can contact a victim services officer at:

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