SIU Authorizations: October 1st, 2022 to March 31st, 2023 (Quarterly Report Q3 & Q4)

Research Highlights: SIU authorizations fluctuated by month and varied by region. Authorizations were most often precipitated by offender safety concerns.


Structured Intervention Units (SIUs) were incorporated into the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) on November 30th, 2019. Such units are intended to provide intervention-focused accommodations to offenders who cannot be safely managed in the mainstream offender population. Since implementation, several improvements have been made to the SIU record management system so as to contribute to accurate and detailed reporting. The current report examines trends in SIU authorizations between October 1st, 2022 and March 31st, 2023 (two fiscal quarters) as part of a series highlighting trends in SIUs.

Overview of Authorizations

Between October 1st, 2022 and March 31st, 2023, there was a total of 1,199 authorizations to an SIU, with a monthly average of 200 authorizations (representing approximately 1.6% of the in-custody population). By comparison, the monthly average was 146 in the first half of 22/23, 120 in FY 21/22 and 189 in FY 20/21.

Counts fluctuated during the most recent period, with a low 173 in October and a high of 245 in March (See Table 1). Authorizations were most common in the Quebec region (33%, representing 2.40% of the in-custody population in this region) and least common in the Pacific and Atlantic regions (12% in both regions, representing 1.46% and 2.09% of the in-custody populations in each region).

Authorization Reason

In the current reporting period, 46% of authorizations were justified under 34.1 A (security) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA), while 50% were justified under 34.1 B (safety). Authorizations justified under 34.1 C (investigation) remained uncommon (i.e., accounting for 4% of cases).

There was regional variation with respect to trends in reason (e.g., 34.1 A authorizations were most common in Quebec; See Table 2).

Table 1. SIU Authorization Count per Month by Region, October 1st, 2022 to March 31st, 2023
Month Region Total
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairie Pacific
Oct. 29 61 41 26 16 173
Nov. 19 42 45 36 37 179
Dec. 29 68 45 39 23 204
Jan. 16 79 54 48 26 223
Feb. 22 54 36 46 17 175
Mar. 30 88 59 42 26 245
Total 145 392 280 237 145 1199
Table 2. SIU Authorization Reasons by Region, October 1st, 2022 to March 31st, 2023
Reason Region Total
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairie Pacific
34.1 A 55 226 101 98 74 554
34.1 B 80 166 150 136 71 603
34.1 C 10 - 29 3 - 42
Total 145 392 280 237 145 1199


SIU authorization counts continue to fluctuate by month and are shaped by regional variation. Ongoing monitoring and reporting of SIU trends promotes a cumulative knowledge base to inform operational practices.

Prepared by: The Special Projects and Data Management (SPDM) Team of the CSC Research Branch.

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