Minimum security women: a profile

Research Highlights: Minimum security women have lower risk/need profiles and better correctional outcomes than other security groups.


No R-394

October 2018

Research at a glance - PDF

Why we did this study

Classifying offenders to a security level based on their risk of being involved in institutional misconducts, incidents of violence, and escapes assists the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) in ensuring safe and secure institutions. Previous studies have been conducted on higher risk women, but very little research has focused on incarcerated women classified as minimum security. Given that the majority of women offenders spend at least part of their incarceration in minimum security, knowing more about their profiles and correctional experiences can aid in informing case management strategies.

What we did

Analyses focused on four areas of the correctional experience: intake information, institutional adjustment, intervention involvement, and outcomes on release for three groups of women: (1) women who were initially placed at minimum security and stayed there until release (n = 296; 15% Indigenous); (2) women who had cascaded to minimum security prior to release (n = 132; 35% Indigenous); and (3) women who had never cascaded to minimum security prior to release (n = 249; 46% Indigenous). Information was extracted from the Offender Management System and the Computerized Mental Health Intake Screening System.

What we found

Results indicated that there were distinct differences in profile and in correctional outcomes by group.

What it means

The results of the study on the profile and outcomes of federally sentenced women classified as minimum security suggest that security classification decisions for women in CSC are appropriate. Women who were initially classified to minimum were least likely to receive sanctions while incarcerated. Results provide insight to where improvements could still be made to this group, namely, in increasing the focus on addressing the needs of minimum-security Indigenous women.

For more information

Wardrop, K., Thompson, J., & Derkzen, D. (2018). Minimum security women: A profile (Research Report R-394). Ottawa, Ontario: Correctional Service of Canada.

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