Commissioner’s Update Stakeholders – July 5, 2024

I am pleased to share some key highlights and updates with all of you since my last update in March. I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day and that this summer brings you the opportunity to enjoy the weather and take some vacation time to rejuvenate.

CSC’s Culture Audit

I am pleased to update you on our first-ever Audit of Organizational Culture. The Audit Report is now finalized. This initiative is near and dear to me as Commissioner. I have accepted all of the audit’s recommendations and have responded to all of them, as you will see in the management response. Work is underway in many areas and I look forward to collaborating with our partners and stakeholders.

Multi-disciplinary Victims Committee Report

In July 2023, the review Committee that was put in place following the transfer of a high-profile offender from maximum to medium security recommended that I establish a multi-disciplinary committee related to our services to victims. I accepted this recommendation and launched the committee in November 2023.

The committee’s report was put out on social media a few months ago. It summarizes the discussions and feedback received, as well as the Committee’s recommendations for CSC, Parole Board Canada and Public Safety. If you have not already, I encourage you to review it:

Multidisciplinary Victims Committee Report

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to making this committee a great success and for the work of everyone who helps ensure victims have an effective voice in the federal correctional system.

Interim Policy Bulletin 710: Information Sharing with Victims

The following policies have been amended in accordance with the Ministerial Direction to the Correctional Service of Canada aimed at strengthening information sharing with victims in the context of transfer of offenders.

Interim Policy Bulletin 710

2023 to 2024 Federal Pathway Annual Progress Report

The government’s 2023 to 2024 Federal Pathway Annual Progress Report has been published, which summarizes the collective efforts of nearly 20 federal departments to advance the priorities outlined in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People National Action Plan and respond to the Calls for Justice directed at the federal government.

Our organization plays an important role in answering these Calls for Justice to advance systemic change for Indigenous peoples in the federal correctional system. I invite you to watch our Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections, Kathy Neil, in this short video.

Citizen Advisory Committees – National Chairperson changes and 2022 to 2023 Annual Report

On April 27, I met with our National Executive Committee of the Citizen Advisory Committees (CAC). Discussions were productive, focusing on several priorities of the organization and interests of the CAC. I had the opportunity to meet with the new Chairperson, Richard Veldhoen, who assumed the role as of April 1st. I enjoyed meeting all of the regional chairs and look forward to working with Richard for the next two years.

The role of Chairperson was previously held by Ingrid Schmidt. I deeply appreciate Ingrid's contributions to CSC and her dedicated leadership, which has significantly advanced a number of areas of focus for the CAC. The CACs play a pivotal role in enhancing community relations and raising public awareness about corrections. They are a key part of our commitment to demonstrate openness, transparency, and accountability.

To learn more about some of the CAC achievements in 2022 to 2023, we encourage you to refer to their Annual Report, which was led by Ingrid during her second year as Chairperson.

2022 to 2023 Citizen Advisory Committees Annual Report

James A. Murphy Award

Congratulations to Peggy Joiner from the Atlantic Region who was the recipient of the 2023 James A. Murphy CAC Award. Peggy’s leadership and contribution helped revitalize CAC committees and improve collaboration between CSC and the CACs, which is so necessary to fulfil the CAC mandate.

Peggy (Margaret) Joiner

National Volunteer Week April 2024

National Volunteer Week was celebrated in April across Canada. CSC benefits from the contribution of approximately 4,000 volunteers who work directly with offenders in our institutions and in the community. This includes hundreds of Citizen Advisory Committee and Ethnocultural Advisory Committee members who have volunteered, contributed and collaborated with CSC for decades.

For the second year, CSC created a virtual art gallery to display works of art created by offenders to express their gratitude to CSC volunteers.

Commemorative dates and events

I want to recognize some of the many commemorative events and dates over the past months. This includes Asian Heritage Month, International Day Against Homophobia, Transgender Day of Visibility, National Accessibility Week, Pride Season, Red Dress Day, National Nurses Week, to name a few.

National Indigenous History Month, in June, is a time to recognize the rich history and diversity of Indigenous communities across Canada. CSC recognizes and celebrates the strength and resilience of our Indigenous staff who work at CSC across the country. They work closely with Indigenous community members and organizations to support Indigenous offenders along their healing paths. We value the work that they do.

New podcast episodes “Prisons Inside/Out”

I am happy to share our three-part miniseries, Behind the Badge:

This mini-series focuses on the challenging but rewarding work our correctional officers do to keep us and our offenders safe. Over the next three episodes, we will hear the stories and voices from some of our dedicated correctional officers who work to keep Canadians safe each and every day.

In closing, I would like to recognize the continued commitment and support of our many diverse stakeholders and partners. You continue to be such an important part of our mandate to uphold public safety and improve the lives of the people in our care and custody.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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