Commissioner's update for offenders and their families: May 21, 2024

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

May 20 was World Bee Day, which celebrates the pollinators that are integral to our ecosystem.

CORCAN operates three beekeeping programs at Joyceville, Collins Bay, and Stony Mountain institutions. Staff and the program participants are getting ready for the coming bee season, tending to the beehives, cleaning equipment, building new bee boxes, and welcoming new honeybees. 

World Bee Day

Stony Mountain works with Saskatraz bees. These bees are developed in Saskatchewan to be disease resistant, docile, mite tolerant, high honey producers, and better prepared for the harsh prairie winters. As beehives can be fragile, the institutions with beekeeping programs are paying extra attention to the biosecurity of their hives to maximize their success. With the help of community partners, program participants are strengthening the well-being of their hives and the ecosystem for the community to enjoy.

World Bee Day

Programs like this help you learn valuable social and employability skills that will benefit you upon your return to the community. I am proud of these programs as they have proven to contribute to successful community reintegration. I encourage you to take advantage of programs like these. To learn more about this program or what is available at your institution, speak with your case management team.

Kudos to the offenders working towards a certificate in the beekeeping programs. Thank you, too, to the staff and volunteers who support the program!

Where there are bees there are flowers, and wherever there are flowers there is new life and hope. — Christy Lefteri

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