Commissioner's update for correctional employees: August 25, 2023

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Acting Senior Deputy Commissioner, Jay Pyke.

This is the last Commissioner’s message that will be sent out on Friday. We are combining the Commissioner’s message with This Week at CSC, which will be sent out every Monday. The first combined message will be shared Tuesday, September 5, following Labour Day.

Narcotic Anonymous

Many institutions appreciate the support and positive impact that Narcotics Anonymous (NA) has on individuals in our care. NA provides networks and resources for those seeking to overcome substance abuse and drug addiction. I encourage you to promote, and help facilitate, this valuable community support with offenders when possible. For more information on NA and to reference related resources available on CSC’s Citizen Engagement Hub page, please visit:

2023 Student experience survey

Approximately 40 percent of students employed at CSC have completed the Student experience survey since its launch in July. All students are encouraged to participate in the survey before September 8, regardless of whether they are leaving, returning, or being hired elsewhere.

The survey provides students with the opportunity to share their workplace experiences and perceptions on recruitment and orientation. These results allow CSC the opportunity to review and improve student orientation processes. It also ensures future students are provided with valuable learning opportunities.

Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. I encourage anyone who has not yet had a chance to do so to take 20 minutes out of your work day to share your experiences. 

International Dog Day

Tomorrow is International Dog Day. CSC has many tools that detect and prevent contraband from entering institutions but the most beloved are our detector dog teams. CSC’s canines and handlers have contributed to our mission since 2001 by helping to detect dangerous items and substances in institutions.

This month, we welcomed five new canines into the CSC family. K9s Dawson, Marcus, Raven, Duke, and Queen recently graduated and have joined their handlers at work. We also want to give a shout out to K9 Maple. Although she has been with CSC since 2021, she has just been assigned to work with a new handler within the Detector Dog Program!

I want to thank our detector dog teams for their ongoing work to keep our institutions safe.

Upcoming changes to weekly messages

This fall, we continue to reimagine ways to share news and stories about CSC. Our online publication Let’s Talk Express is getting a new look. Coming soon, the modernized and new website will be a hub for articles, podcasts, and videos sharing the stories and voices of CSC.

As I mentioned earlier, the Commissioner’s weekly messages to staff will be combined with the weekly This Week at CSC newsletter. The combined message will be shared via email on Mondays. If you are submitting weekly content for the messages, please do so one week in advance.

Enjoy the weekend and the last few weeks of summer. A special thank you to those who will be on the front lines for the upcoming Labour Day long weekend. We are grateful for the work you do year-round to help us fulfill our mission.

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