Commissioner's update for correctional employees: April 22, 2024

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.

Our Mission: The Correctional Service of Canada, as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control.

Last week, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, delivered the 2024 federal budget to Canadians. Budget 2024 themes include affordability measures for Canadians and investments in housing.

For CSC, we were pleased to note the Government provided support to stabilize core operations and provide essential goods and services in our facilities.

We are reviewing the budget more closely and will have more details to provide at a later date. In the meantime, I encourage all employees to visit the Budget 2024 web page to learn more:

Earth Day 2024

Today is Earth Day, which gives us the chance to reflect on the impact that our activities have on the environment. Faced with the climate crisis, now more than ever, we must recognize the urgency of our situation and act.

At CSC, we continue to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment. We are relying on our environmental protection and sustainable development policies and practices to guide us in this. In November 2023, we published the:

I encourage you to read it, and to find ways to practice green-friendly habits in your daily living.

James A. Murphy Award

I want to congratulate Peggy Joiner from the Atlantic Region on being the recipient of the 2023 James A. Murphy Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Award. Her efforts and contribution in revitalizing CAC committees, promoting collaboration between CSC and the CACs, and ensuring members have access to the knowledge required to fulfil the CAC mandate made her the top candidate to receive the 2023 award.

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of this prestigious award, named after James A. Murphy who dedicated 38 years to community corrections.

A special thank you to all our current and past award recipients, nominees, and the CSC staff across the country for demonstrating exemplary commitment, drive, and leadership in advancing the CAC mandate.

Administrative Professionals Day

I would like to recognize the incredible commitment, ingenuity, and efforts of our colleagues who provide outstanding professional administrative support throughout CSC. What you do is integral to the successful running of our organization. It is a key part of how we keep our communities, and Canadians, safe.

This Wednesday, April 24, take a moment to thank the amazing administrative professionals you work with. Happy Administrative Professionals Day!


Passover, from April 22 to April 30, is the festival of freedom celebrated by those of the Jewish faith. Passover, also called Pesach, is a major holiday that celebrates the Jewish peoples' escape from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. It represents a universal message of freedom and redemption. The Passover holiday begins with a feast, known as the seder, with family and friends getting together to eat traditional food. To those celebrating, Chag Pesach sameach! Happy Passover!

Movement is Medicine: Walk-Run-Wheel

On May 3, the Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion is hosting an in-person and virtual event for National Day for Awareness of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls and Members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community (MMIWG2S), also known as Red Dress Day.

I invite you to participate to Movement is Medicine: Walk, Run or Wheel event, in collaboration with Indigenous employees across the federal government. This is an effort to bring awareness of the ongoing national tragedy and honor the lives of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.

To see all event locations and to register please visit:

I also want to invite participants to make a donation to an Indigenous not-for-profit organization that is close to their heart, community, or region through GCWCC.

New “Prisons Inside/Out” episode: Behind the Badge: Part one (maximum security)

I am happy to share that the fourth episode of our podcast, Prisons Inside/Out, is now available:

For this episode, we launched part one of our three-part series called “Behind the Badge.” This focuses on the challenging but rewarding work our correctional officers do. Over the next three episodes, we will hear the stories and voices from some of our dedicated correctional officers who work to keep Canadians safe each and every day.

As always, we want to hear your feedback on the podcast series. Please send your comments to the Communications team at:



Thank you for your dedication and commitment through the challenging and meaningful work you carry out every day.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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