Commissioner's update for correctional employees:
February 12 , 2024

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.

Our Mission: The Correctional Service of Canada, as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control.

Last Tuesday, I was pleased to attend a special recognition ceremony at Archambault Institution in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec. I was proud to present recognition awards to seven employees who have worked at CSC for over 20 years. Five received Corrections Exemplary Service Medals. Two received silver bars: one for 30 years of service, the other for 40 years. I am always impressed when I meet and speak with employees who have dedicated their career to making a difference in the lives of those in our care. Congratulations to all our recipients! It is always an honour to be part of celebrations that recognize and thank staff for their incredible hard work and dedication.

Commissioner Anne Kelly (center front) with Regional Deputy Commissioner Anne-Marie Labalette (right) and award recipients.
Commissioner Anne Kelly (center front) with Regional Deputy Commissioner Anne-Marie Labalette (right) and award recipients. 
Commissioner Anne Kelly (center front) with Regional Deputy Commissioner Anne-Marie Labalette (right) and award recipients.
Commissioner Kelly with RDC Labalette and the Quebec Guard of Honour.

National Flag Day

Every year, on February 15, we recognize National Flag Day and are reminded of the significance behind our nation’s flag. Our national flag represents our values of equality, freedom, and inclusion. Our national flag flies at all our institutions, and at all government buildings and in communities across the country. Today, I invite each of you to reflect on the honour and privilege it is to serve under this emblem of our country.

Celebrating Ethnocultural Advisory Committee Members

This Black History Month, I ask you to join me in recognizing the significant role of the National and Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committee members.
For years, their collaboration with CSC has been essential in better meeting the needs of Black and other racialized offenders. Their dedication to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion is so important to the work we do.

Faces of CSC

Alima Prime is Area Director, Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Edmonton Parole Office, Alberta

Read more about how Alima is helping to advance positive change around her and, more broadly, positive culture change at CSC.

I encourage everyone to read more about the National and Regional Ethnocultural Committees (internal resource).

Find ways for these committees to be a part of your work!

Donald R. Yeomans Award for Values and Ethics

The Donald R. Yeomans Award for Values and Ethics recognizes executives who contribute to CSC's values and ethics over a significant period of time. The recipient must have demonstrated high standards during difficult times. This formal award is presented annually to one selected recipient. I am pleased to announce the recipient for 2022 to 2023 is Larry Ringler, Warden of Bath Institution in the Ontario Region. Congratulations Larry!

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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