Policy on cost recovery

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Effective date

April 1, 2013


This policy applies to the delivery of the Canadian Conservation Institute's (CCI's) expert services and training to eligible clients in the heritage community in Canada and internationally; it does not apply to CCI's research and development program, publications or library services.

See Annex 1 for the Canadian Conservation Institute's fee schedule.


  • CCI's mission is to support the heritage community in preserving Canada's heritage collections for access by current and future generations. This mission is accomplished through conservation research and development, expert services and knowledge sharing.
  • CCI provides expert services and training to eligible clients in Canada and, where applicable, internationally.
  • CCI's appropriated budget from the Government of Canada funds the Institute's research and development program, and supports the delivery of expert services and training to its primary clients in Canada, in accordance with its mandate.
  • CCI is required to recover some costs of delivering services and training so that current levels of service can be maintained and new services can be developed and made available to address emerging challenges of conservation and preventive conservation.
  • CCI reviews and updates its fee structure in accordance with Government of Canada requirements.
  • As a Special Operating Agency of the Government of Canada, CCI is expected to promote cost-effective and business-like service delivery.

Policy statement

  • CCI provides the majority of its expert services undertaken at CCI at no cost to its primary clients in Canada, i.e. museums, archives, libraries, and historic sites, whose primary role is to acquire, conserve, research, communicate, and exhibit (for purposes of study, education, and enjoyment) permanent heritage collections that are accessible to the Canadian public.
  • CCI also delivers expert services and training to public authorities and other organizations in Canada that are responsible for heritage objects or collections, on the basis of partial or full cost recovery.
  • A limited number of services are available to private sector clients in Canada and internationally, on the basis of full cost recovery.
  • CCI will explain all fees for expert services with clients and will sign an agreement with them before undertaking any work on their behalf and before charging any fees.
  • CCI fees will be reviewed on a regular basis (i.e., every 2-3 years) to reflect changes in the marketplace and the rate of inflation.
  • CCI will communicate any changes in this policy or the fee schedule in Annex 1 at least two weeks before the implementation of any changes.

Policy requirements

  • CCI's cost recovery activities take into consideration Government of Canada guidelines and legislation on revenue generation and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Policy on Service Standards for External Fees.
  • CCI recovers costs based on the fee schedule in Annex 1 of this policy, which identifies eligible client categories, services available and corresponding fees.
  • Fees may be waived or reduced if delivering the service is part of an approved research project and/or professional development for staff.
  • CCI's cost recovery activities will take into consideration the fact that some services and expertise provided by CCI are also available in Canada from the private sector, while others are available only from CCI.
  • CCI fees for expert services and training should be at least comparable to, and preferably not less than, those charged by the private sector for the same type of services.
  • When CCI cannot accommodate requests for conservation services, it will recommend, where feasible, private-sector conservators, according to the Policy on referrals to private-sector conservators in Canada.
  • CCI reserves the right to charge for overtime that is requested by the client, even if the service is provided at no charge. In situations when CCI unilaterally decides to deliver all or part of the service outside normal working hours, CCI will absorb the costs of overtime.
  • CCI reserves the right to recover costs incurred in providing certain services, as specified in Annex 1. These include, but are not limited to, the following: transportation, accommodation, per diem (as per the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Travel Directive), travel time, materials, shipping and equipment rental.
  • CCI reserves the right to charge an overhead fee of 15% (to cover administrative and building operating costs) on the purchase of specialized materials and all service contracts. Note that this fee will not be charged for the delivery of professional development activities or for the delivery of a service that CCI can only deliver by hiring an external contractor due to unforeseen circumstances within CCI (e.g. unexpected absence of CCI staff).

Fees for eligible client categories

  • CCI's primary clients, i.e. museums, archives, libraries and historic sites whose primary role is to acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit (for purposes of study, education and enjoyment) permanent heritage collections that are accessible to the Canadian public, have access to most services at no charge; the remaining services are available for a nominal fee or on the basis of partial cost recovery. This fee reflects the fact that CCI is mandated to serve the museum community.
  • Federal, provincial and municipal governments that have responsibility for heritage objects or collections have access to most services on the basis of full cost recovery. This fee is in recognition of the fact that government departments receive appropriations to cover the costs to preserve their collections.
  • Conservation and heritage training programs in Canada have access only to selected services, which are offered for a fixed user fee or at partial cost recovery. This fee reflects their role in supporting the heritage community.
  • Incorporated, not-for-profit community-based organizations (representing Aboriginal, ethno-cultural or religious communities) have access to most CCI services on the basis of full cost recovery.
  • Private-sector clients in Canada have access to limited services on the basis of full cost recovery.
  • Foreign clients have access to training services and scientific services (under exceptional circumstances) on the basis of full cost recovery.

Annex 1: Fee schedule

The following fees will be charged for expert services delivered by the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) to eligible clients:

Canadian clients

International Clients

Museums, archives, libraries and historic sites
(The term 'museum' is used in this chart to refer to a heritage organization with collections that are open to the public and have a preservation mandate.)

Most services undertaken at CCI, including:
Conservation treatments
Artifact analysis and examination
Product and material evaluation
Preventive conservation technical services

No charge

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Government of Canada museums and national museums are not eligible for free conservation treatment services since they receive federal funding to care for their own collections.

Parks Canada Service Centres, and National Historic Sites administered by Parks Canada are not eligible for CCI services because they receive federal funding for conservation and scientific services. Special requests made through the Parks Canada conservation laboratories in Ottawa will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

When the requirements of a service exceed CCI's capacity to provide it at no charge, or when a service exceeds the time or amount covered by a flat rate, CCI will negotiate and sign an agreement with the client for CCI staff to perform the work at the special hourly rate of $80/hour (or $600/day for 7.5 hours), with an overtime rate of $115/hour.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

On-site services, including:
Facility assessments
Scientific services
Conservation examinations
Conservation treatments

$1,000/per CCI staff member

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Two days for facility assessments; three days for other services.

The flat fee will not be reduced if the site visit is of a shorter duration. If the on-site service is of a longer duration, the additional time will be charged at the special hourly rate of $80/hour (or $600/day for 7.5 hours), with an overtime rate of $115/hour.

In-person workshops
(maximum of 16 workshops offered across Canada per year)


Requests from partners to host in-person workshops are evaluated against assessment criteria, and allocated on a regional basis.

The number of instructors required and duration of workshops varies.

CCI encourages partners to schedule workshops during weekday hours. Although CCI does not currently charge clients for overtime costs for workshops and travel time on weekends, such a charge may be implemented in the future. CCI will notify clients in advance if and when this change is implemented.

Archaeological field work

Travel costs

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients cover all costs related to a CCI staff member's travel to and from a site, food and accommodation during field work.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Environmental monitoring equipment loan program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Heritage, archival and conservation associations

In-person workshops
(maximum of 16 workshops offered across Canada per year)


Requests from partners to host in-person workshops are evaluated against assessment criteria, and allocated on a regional basis.

The number of instructors required and duration of workshops varies.

CCI encourages partners to schedule workshops during weekday hours. Although CCI does not currently charge clients for overtime for workshops and travel time on weekends, such a charge may be implemented in the future. CCI will notify clients in advance if and when this change is implemented.

Environmental monitoring equipment loan program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Federal government departments

Most services undertaken at CCI, including:
Conservation treatments
Artifact analysis and examination
Product and material evaluation
Preventive conservation technical services

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

While CCI's primary client group is the museum sector, CCI has a limited capacity to provide some services to federal government departments. All requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

On-site services, including:
Facility assessments
Scientific services
Conservation examinations
Conservation treatments

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all travel costs related to these services.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Environmental monitoring equipment loan program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Provincial/territorial/municipal governments - Non-museum

Archaeological conservation treatments

Provincial and territorial governments - No charge.

Municipal governments - Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour.

While CCI's primary client group is the museum sector, CCI has a limited capacity to provide some services to provincial, territorial and municipal governments. All requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Archaeologists who work for provincial or territorial governments and who have responsibility for archaeological collections may request treatment services at no charge.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Archaeological field work

Travel costs

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Archaeologists who work for provincial or territorial governments and who have responsibility for archaeological field work within Canada may request archaeological field services.

Clients cover all costs related to a CCI staff member's travel to and from a site, food and accommodation during field work.

If excavated artifacts are accepted for treatment at CCI, clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

CCI Services including:
Conservation treatments
Artifact analysis and examination
Product and material evaluation
Facility assessments
Preventive conservation technical services

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

While CCI's primary client group is the museum sector, CCI has a limited capacity to provide some services to provincial, territorial and municipal governments. All requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

On-site services, including:
Facility assessments
Scientific services
Conservation examinations
Conservation treatments

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all travel costs related to these services.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Environmental monitoring equipment loan program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Community-based organizations representing Aboriginal, ethno-cultural or religious communities and societies in Canada

Archaeological conservation treatments

No charge

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients in this category who have responsibility for archaeological collections may request treatment services.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Archaeological field work

Travel costs

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients in this category who have responsibility for archaeological excavations within Canada may request field services.

Clients cover all costs related to a CCI staff member's travel to and from a site, food and accommodation during field work.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

On-site scientific services

$1,000/per CCI staff member

This service is restricted to requests related to the scientific analysis of collections for the identification of pesticides or other toxic materials.

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Three days on-site.

The flat fee will not be reduced if the site visit is of a shorter duration. If the on-site service is of a longer duration, the additional time will be charged at the special hourly rate of $80/hour (or $600/day for 7.5 hours), with an overtime rate of $115/hour.

Environmental monitoring Equipment Loan Program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Recognized post-secondary educational and training programs

Workshop and lectures for recognized post-secondary conservation training programs


Available for recognized post-secondary Canadian conservation training programs (e.g. Queen's and Fleming).

Flat fee covers one workshop and two lectures per year.

Archaeological conservation treatments

No charge

Archaeologists who work at a university and who have responsibility for archaeological collections may request treatment services.

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Archaeological field work

Transportation costs

Archaeologists who work at a university and who have responsibility for archaeological excavations within Canada may request field services.

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

Clients cover all costs related to a CCI staff member's travel to and from a site, food and accommodation during field work.

Clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

Scientific services

Special hourly rate $80/hour (or $600/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $115/hour

Available for recognized Canadian conservation training programs, when supported by the professor.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Preventive conservation technical services Special hourly rate $80/hour (or $600/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $115/hour

Available for recognized Canadian conservation training programs, when supported by the professor.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Other services

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

Service requests are evaluated against CCI assessment criteria.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Environmental monitoring equipment loan program

No charge

Clients are responsible for all shipping costs to and from CCI.

Canadian private sector

Scientific services

Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

Requests from the Canadian private sector (e.g. private conservators, commercial art galleries, archives of commercial firms, and other private businesses directly involved in heritage or conservation) are evaluated against assessment criteria and are accepted on an exceptional basis. Private individuals are not normally eligible for CCI services.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Preventive conservation technical services Basic hourly rate $135/hour (or $1,000/day for 7.5 hours); overtime rate $170/hour

Requests from the Canadian private sector (e.g. private conservators, commercial art galleries, archives of commercial firms, and other private businesses directly involved in heritage or conservation) are evaluated against assessment criteria and are accepted on an exceptional basis. Private individuals are not normally eligible for CCI services.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

Foreign not-for-profit organizations, institutions and professionals directly involved in heritage or conservation

Scientific services

Hourly rate $170/hour $1,275/day for 7.5 hours);

overtime rate $200/hour

If required, clients are responsible for all costs of transporting objects to and from CCI, including adequate crating, shipping and insurance.

When CCI purchases goods or services as part of the agreed service delivery for a client, the client will be charged the cost plus a 15% administration fee. The 15% fee is based on the value of the contract, equipment and supplies, but not on the hourly rate charged for CCI services.

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