Competition Bureau invites feedback on its Immunity and Leniency Programs

News release

May 8, 2018 – OTTAWA, ON – Competition Bureau

The Competition Bureau is inviting comments on its revised Immunity and Leniency Programs. The document contains revisions to the Immunity Program following a public consultation in October 2017, and proposes changes to the Leniency Program.

In addition to adjustments made to the Immunity Program, notable updates in this version include the provision that every leniency applicant may be entitled to a cooperation credit of up to 50%, as well as an additional 10-20% credit for having an effective corporate compliance program in place.

These programs set out incentives for parties to come forward to seek immunity or leniency in return for their cooperation with the Bureau’s investigation into – and subsequent prosecution of – other parties involved in a cartel. The current programs have been effective in uncovering and breaking up cartel activities prohibited by the Competition Act. They are the Bureau’s best tools to stop criminal anticompetitive agreements. Without them, many cartels would go undetected.

Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the proposed changes to the Immunity and Leniency Programs no later than July 20, 2018 via mail or email to:

Jean-Sébastien Rivard
Cartels and Deceptive Marketing Practices Branch

Competition Bureau
50 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0C9
Fax: 819-997-3835


Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website.

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Competition Bureau
Telephone: 819-997-4282
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The Competition Bureau, as an independent law enforcement agency, ensures that Canadian businesses and consumers prosper in a competitive and innovative marketplace.

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