Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Discover the wonder of flight and the mysteries of space! Students will explore Canada's rich aerospace history and engage in STEAM-based programs that are so much fun they won't notice they're learning! The Canada Aviation and Space Museum's collection consists of more than 130 aircraft and artifacts (propellers, engines, and more) as well as fascinating space artifacts, including the Canadarm. Curriculum based tours and programs at the Museum are hands-on and have been designed to maximize your students' opportunities to explore, experiment, observe, assess and discuss their findings. Bring your students to the place where ingenuity takes flight!

Museum Highlights: Largest surviving piece of the famous Avro Arrow, the original Canadarm used on the Endeavour space shuttle, Lancaster WWII bomber, Life in Orbit: The International Space Station exhibition.

Book your school visit

Student Programs
Program/tourTarget grades and subjectsDurationCost: $ or free
Guided Tour All 75 minutes $
Self-Guided Visit All Flexible $
The Big Blue Balloon Adventure Ontario: Junior and Senior Kindergarten
Quebec: Preschool and Kindergarten
90 minutes $
Night Flight Sleepovers Grade 6 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. $
From the Ground Up! Evening Program Grade 6 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. $
Flight Grade 6 (science and technology) 120 minutes $
Aviation and Technology Ontario: Grades 9 to 11 (technological education)
Quebec: Secondary 3 to 5 (the technological world)
90 minutes $

Find out more

For more information about programs at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, visit:


11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa ON K1K 4R3

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