Consultation process with official language minority communities (OLMCs)

Note: this tool is being updated to reflect the changes to Part VII in the modernized Official Languages Act. Please direct questions to

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Guiding principles

The Government of Canada has committed to encouraging Canadians to become more involved in public policy debates. Citizens participate fully when they play an active role in identifying issues, exploring potential solutions and determining resources and priorities.

Under the Official Languages Act (OLA), all federal institutions must take positive measures to promote the development of official language minority communities and foster recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society.

The OLA does not define the term “positive measures.” The implementation of positive measures takes many different forms, depending on the mandate of each federal institution. By continuing to listen to the communities and by demonstrating leadership, your institution will be able to identify positive measures.

Main guiding principles

Preparation and implementation

Follow ups

Ladder of citizen participation

Stakeholders’ level of involvement and responsibility in a participatory process:

  1. Information – Participants learn about issues relating to a problem to be solved, a project, a program or a policy.
  2. Consultation/Dialogue – Participants share their views and opinions with decision-makers.
  3. Discussion – Participants discuss an issue and justify their ideas and views.
  4. Deliberation – Participants form their opinions on a specific issue.
  5. Collaboration – Participants contribute to defining and shaping the participatory process and directly assist in decision-making.

Source: Les échelles de la participation publique, Institut du nouveau monde, (available in French only)

More information

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©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2020
Catalogue number: CH4-191/2020E-PDF
ISBN: 978-0-660-33972-6

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