Events — Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program

Info: In recognition of the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent, the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program (MARP) will include a new priority in its Events component: celebrations and events that recognize the history, culture, accomplishments, contributions and future of Black Canadians and their communities.

Also, in alignment with the ongoing efforts to combat systemic racism and promote inclusivity, a new priority on combatting anti-Asian racism has been established for the Events component. This priority will specifically focus on anti-Asian racism initiatives that aim to raise awareness, foster understanding, and honour the contributions of Asian Canadians to our diverse society. The objective is to promote inclusion and unity, while empowering communities to stand against racism in all its forms.

In addition, $3 million has been set aside for another new priority, Building Community Resilience. This call to action seeks to empower communities by facilitating events and initiatives that strengthen connections, foster unity, build resilience, and establish a national network of best practices. The ultimate objective is to inspire and catalyze local grassroots initiatives that build bridges and unite Canadians.

In support of Canada's Action Plan on Combatting Hate, a new priority has been established for the Events component. This priority provides support for events that unite communities to take collective action and build capacity to address and prevent hate towards impacted individuals and groups, including in the aftermath of hate incidents.

For more information regarding the priorities of the Events component, please consult the Events guidelines or contact the Program through the appropriate generic email account for your region.

The Events component of the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program (MARP) provides funding to community-based events that:

  • promote intercultural or interfaith understanding
  • promote discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination
  • celebrate a community’s history and culture such as heritage months recognized by Parliament

Expected results are that participants and communities will gain knowledge, develop strategies and take action to:

  • increase awareness of Canada’s cultural diversity
  • increase awareness of issues affecting full participation in society and the economy, related to culture, ethnicity and/or religion
  • increase capacity within communities to address racism and discrimination

Who can apply

The Department of Canadian Heritage is implementing enhanced protocols and processes for funding programs that support Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy to help ensure that organizations and individuals that espouse racist, antisemitic and other forms of hateful content will not be eligible to receive government funding.

To be eligible for funding, organizations or groups must be:

  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations, associations and unincorporated groups
  • Canadian incorporated and unincorporated municipalities and townships with a population of up to 10,000
  • Indigenous not-for-profit organizations (First Nations, Inuit or Métis)
  • Indigenous governments, band councils or tribal councils

Eligible events

To be eligible for funding your event must meet all of the following requirements:

  • establish concrete opportunities for positive interaction among cultural, religious or ethnocultural communities
  • demonstrate involvement of more than one single cultural, religious or ethnocultural community or target a single cultural community and provide opportunities to engage with and foster pride in the community’s history, culture and/or identity, such as heritage months recognized by Parliament
  • help foster intercultural or interfaith understanding
  • be open to and intended for the general public

Application deadline

There is no fixed deadline to submit a funding application under the Events component of the MARP, as applications are accepted on a continuous basis. However, to ensure timely assessment, it is advised that your application be submitted 18 weeks prior to the proposed event start date. Should you intend to apply in less than 18 weeks, you must contact the program through the appropriate generic email account for your region. Funding applications must be received prior to the event start date.

Due to an increased volume of applications under the Events component and limited funding, we are no longer able to accept new applications for events taking place in fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025. The program continues to take applications for events taking place in FY 2025-2026.

How to apply

Important: Please note that the Canadian Heritage Funding Portal for the Events component is currently unavailable for submitting funding applications.

Please contact your Canadian Heritage regional office for a copy of the Application Form and Budget Form.

To apply for funding, you must:

  • complete, sign and date the Application Form
  • complete the Budget Form
  • attach all the required supporting documents
  • submit your application by email

Contact us

Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy St
Gatineau QC  J8X 4B3
1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

Agents are available to answer your questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm (ET).

Regional offices of the Department of Canadian Heritage

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