Online survey results for the National Monument for Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan

From May 20 to June 9, 2021, the Government of Canada posted a survey asking Veterans, families of those who participated in the Mission, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, other stakeholders and the Canadian public to share their thoughts on the design concepts proposed by the following five finalist teams.


A total of 12,048 valid surveys were analysed (10,829 English, 1219 French). In cases where multiple surveys were submitted from the same IP address and were deemed to be overly similar, all but one survey was removed.

Question 1 – Monument Theme

The following survey question is multiple response. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

The Monument has several related themes. Which designs do you think most effectively express these themes? You may select more than one design per theme.

Percentage of respondents who think the design effectively expresses the following Monument themes
Theme Total respondents Team Daoust Team Hapa Collaborative Team Lashley MacDonald Team PFS Studio Team Stimson
To express Canada’s deep gratitude for the sacrifices made by Canadians who served in Afghanistan, including those Canadian Armed Forces members and civilians who lost their lives or were injured. 11,807 26.5 % 13.0 % 20.5 % 16.8 % 63.9 %
To recognize the strong support offered by families, friends and communities at home during the mission. 11,299 27.1 % 15.5 % 17.3 % 14.3 % 52.0 %
To acknowledge the efforts of Canadians in standing together with the Afghan people to help rebuild their country and encourage understanding of the significance and scope of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. 11,518 31.3 % 13.4 % 15.4 % 11.9 % 56.3 %

Question 2 – Visitor Experience

The following survey question is multiple response. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

The Monument will offer several experiences for visitors. Which designs do you think would most effectively perform these functions? You may select more than one design per criteria.

Percentage of respondents who think the design effectively performs the following Visitor Experience functions
Visitor Experience function Total respondents Team Daoust Team Hapa Collaborative Team Lashley MacDonald Team PFS Studio Team Stimson
Creates a solemn place conducive to reflection and remembrance. 11,573 37.0 % 19.7 % 19.5 % 22.4 % 54.3 %
Encourages visitors to learn more about the Mission. 11,334 22.8 % 12.5 % 14.8 % 18.4 % 64.8 %
Provides an appropriate setting for gatherings and ceremonies. 11,447 40.2 % 15.4 % 27.4 % 12.7 % 51.9 %

Question 3 – Impressions of Proposed Monument Designs

The design must creatively embody the commemorative vision of the Monument: to recognize an important chapter in Canada’s history and pay tribute to the commitment and sacrifice of Canadians in helping to rebuild Afghanistan. To be effective, a monument should resonate with visitors emotionally and visually.

Enter up to three adjectives that describe your impressions of each design. Only one word can be entered in each box. You may comment on any or all of the proposed designs.

Notes: Word count results were combined around the root adjective (e.g., “symbolic” also includes symbol, symbolism, symbolize) as well as misspelled words. In cases where respondents provided the same adjective multiple times, the adjective was only counted once.

Results with a weighted percentage of at least .75% of the total words received for each team in each language are included in the tables below in descending order.

English Results
Team Daoust Team Hapa Collaborative Team Lashley Macdonald Team PFS Studio Team Stimson
Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count
reflective 533 cold 389 openness 269 darkness 729 reflective 410
peaceful 518 peaceful 290 peaceful 239 Vietnam 388 respectful 375
solemn 268 reflective 209 beautiful 195 solemn 293 remembrance 371
open 246 confusing 173 reflects 157 reflective 281 solemn 290
beautiful 214 clean 138 confusing 150 memorial 202 sacrifices 251
light 193 solemn 139 lights 121 somber 186 inclusive 245
simple 217 boring 125 airy 113 liked 166 thoughtful 221
calm 167 bright 125 hopeful 93 American 146 powerful 211
hopeful 159 calm 116 modern 93 copy 136 honours 202
serene 159 whiteness 94 like 90 peaceful 121 emotive 194
thoughtful 159 stark 90 abstract 89 cold 106 military 180
contemplative 158 beauty 88 inspiring 89 remembrance 102 educative 166
respectful 138 contemplative 84 remembrance 77 simple 92 appropriate 147
symbolic 113 strong 84 unique 76 derivative 86 realistic 145
inspiring 106 abstract 81 bright 75 respectful 86 traditional 135
elegant 88 like 80 respectful 71 boring 82 informed 134
impressive 86 disjointed 78 calm 70 walls 82 represents 133
evocative 84 open 77 interesting 70 trench 78 meaningful 132
- - bland 75 - - depressive 76 open 120
- - plain 74 - - - - soldiers 118
- - respectful 68 - - - - - -
- - marble 67 - - - - - -
- - sterile 67 - - - - - -
- - modern 66 - - - - - -
French Results
Team Daoust Team Hapa Collaborative Team Lashley Macdonald Team PFS Studio Team Stimson
Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count
paisible 55 froid 63 paix 22 sombre 49 représentatif 57
lumineux 42 trop 22 aérien 18 solennel 21 respect 43
solennel 41 épuré 22 beau 17 sobre 16 sacrifice 41
lumière 36 paisible 22 calme 13 trop 15 souvenir 36
recueillement 34 blanc 18 trop 13 froid 14 solennel 33
simple 32 calme 14 grandiose 11 recueillement 13 réaliste 33
calme 29 solennel 13 ouvert 11 souvenir 12 militaire 24
sobre 26 lumineux 11 espoir 9 paisible 11 honneur 22
ouvert 26 beau 11 léger 8 fermé 9 rassembleur 21
beau 25 non 10 pas 8 commémoratif 9 reconnaissance 21
réflexion 21 simple 9 réflexion 8 calme 8 recueillement 21
respect 21 recueillement 9 solennel 8 non 8 courage 16
serein 19 massif 8 liberté 7 tranché 8 mémoire 15
espoir 17 pas 8 original 7 étroit 8 soldats 15
épuré 17 sobre 8 vide 7 réflexion 9 courage 14
reposant 16 respect 8 confus 7 respectueux 7 beau 14
inspirant 15 serein 8 serein 7 simple 7 bien 13
impressionnant 14 classique 7 - - triste 7 symbolique 14
symbolique 14 repos 7 - - Vietnam 7 - -
imposant 14 réflexion 7 - - mémoire 7 - -
souvenir 12 moderne 6 - - - - - -
- - Intéressant 6 - - - - - -

Question 4 – Demographic Questions

Do you live in the National Capital Region?
Number of respondents: 10,658
Answer Responses Percent %
Yes 2,708 25.41
No 7,950 74.59
If not, In which province or territory do you live?
Number of respondents: 7,948
Province or territory Responses Percent %
British Columbia 1,084 13.64
Alberta 1,233 15.51
Saskatchewan 184 2.32
Manitoba 334 4.20
Ontario 2,785 35.04
Quebec 967 12.17
New Brunswick 333 4.19
Nova Scotia 545 6.86
Prince Edward Island 167 2.10
Newfoundland and Labrador 117 1.47
Yukon 17 0.21
Northwest Territories 28 0.35
Nunavut 3 0.04
I don’t live in Canada (principal residence abroad) 151 1.90

The following survey question is multiple response. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

Please choose the category with which you most identify for the purpose of this consultation? You can choose more than one category.
Number of respondents: 10,893
Category Responses Percent %
An individual who participated in Canada’s whole-of-government mission in Afghanistan (Canadian Armed Forces member, police officer, public servant or civilian) 3,074 28.22
A family member of an individual who participated in Canada’s whole-of-government mission in Afghanistan (Canadian Armed Forces member, police officer, public servant or civilian) 1,353 12.42
A Veteran of Canada’s military 2,834 26.02
A current member of the Canadian Armed Forces 2,503 22.98
A current or former Canadian police officer 299 2.74
A member of the general public 3,876 35.58

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