Backgrounder – Building a More Inclusive Canada: Government of Canada Announces Funding for Anti-Racism Projects Across the Country
Strengthening diversity and inclusion is fundamental to fostering and promoting a more consciously inclusive society, where everyone is able to participate fully in the economic, cultural, social, and political spheres. Racism, and all forms of discrimination, is one of the main causes of social and economic barriers for many Canadians. Through the Anti-Racism Action Program, the Government of Canada is investing $15 million to fund 85 anti-racism projects that aim to remove systemic barriers faced by racialized communities, religious minorities, and Indigenous Peoples.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Organization: Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission
Title: Anti-Racism Education and Mediation Project
Description: Through this project, the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission will create the first restorative mediation justice clinic in the province to resolve community-based conflict.
Funding Amount: $165,000
Organization: Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network Inc.
Title: Coming Together for a Stronger Future
Description: The organization has developed this project to address barriers Indigenous Peoples face when navigating the justice system.
Funding Amount: $120,000
Prince Edward Island
Organization: Lennox Island First Nation
Title: Learning TOGETHER to change FOREVER
Description: This project will focus on the education of non-Indigenous communities on the Indigenous culture, the development of skills needed by service providers to support Indigenous Peoples, and increased collaboration between communities.
Funding Amount: $128,350
Organization: Abegweit First Nation
Title: ABEGWEIT: Dancing to the Beat of Our Drum
Description: The Abegweit First Nation will reduce barriers to social participation for the Indigenous community by addressing systemic racism and unconscious biases in the surrounding two communities.
Funding Amount: $98,453
Nova Scotia
Organization: Annapolis Valley Regional Library Board
Title: Moving Through
Description: This project aims to increase social participation in arts and culture for three area First Nations communities: Annapolis Valley, Bear River, and Glooscap.
Funding Amount: $40,000
Organization: Nova Scotia Department of Justice
Title: Development of an African Nova Scotian Justice Plan
Description: The objective of this project is to create a comprehensive and actionable African Nova Scotian justice plan in collaboration with members of African Nova Scotian communities across the province, and the Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs.
Funding Amount: $200,000
Organization: Black Business Initiative
Title: Diversity Employment Network (DEN)
Description: This initiative will address barriers to employment for the African Nova Scotian community by focusing on structures and policies within organizations that perpetuate unconscious biases and discriminatory hiring practices, which affect recruitment, hiring, and retention in the workforce.
Funding Amount: $151,054
Organization: The Federation of Black Canadians
Title: The Black Pulse Check Project
Description: This project will improve the organization’s capacity to promote diversity and inclusion and counter online hate by developing and implementing a national digital engagement campaign; developing digital and educational tools to promote Black Canadian history and combat online hate in partnership with other community organizations.
Funding Amount: $263,000
New Brunswick
Organization: Dialogue New Brunswick Inc.
Title: Organisations Dialogue
Description: This training program for managers and human resources leaders is designed to combat unconscious bias and racism in New Brunswick’s hiring practices and workplace culture.
Funding Amount: $108,281
Organization: PRUDE INC.
Title: Workplace Anti-Racism Training
Description: The goal of the project is to address hiring biases that prevent racialized people and religious minorities from gaining meaningful employment in the greater Saint John area.
Funding Amount: $30,870
Organization: Concordia University
Title: Canada Task Force on Online Antisemitism
Description: The Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies will produce recommendations to help major social media and tech companies make changes to their policies and develop new tech solutions to combat antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and distortion online.
Funding Amount: $140,000
Organization: Concordia University
Title: Landscape of Hope: Magnifying Marginalised Indigenous and Racialised Youth Voices to Build Digital Resilience Against Racism
Description: Concordia University will empower marginalized youth through digital literacy to create alternative media narratives to counter hate, racism, prejudice, and other forms of discrimination.
Funding Amount: $177,500
Organization: Black Youth Socio-Economic Development Summit
Title: Les champions de la lutte à la haine sur Internet (cyberhaine)
Description: The Socio-Economic Summit for Black Community Youth Development will reduce and prevent acts of cyber-hate towards Quebec youth from Black communities.
Funding Amount: $251,090
Organization: Services d’orientation et d’intégration des immigrants au travail de Québec (SOIIT QUÉBEC)
Title: Contrer la discrimination à l’emploi des personnes issues de l’immigration
Description: The project aims to combat racism and discrimination in the workplace, eliminate employment barriers for racialized communities and religious minorities, and meet the labour needs of businesses in the Québec City area.
Funding Amount: $280,000
Organization: Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec
Title: Plateforme sur les meilleures pratiques en gestion des ressources humaines, volet gestion de la diversité et immigration
Description: This project offers a tour of human resources workshops in Quebec companies, as well as an interactive platform on best practices in human resources management, particularly in the area of diversity management in companies and immigration.
Funding Amount: $200,000
Organization: Institute for Research and Education on Race Relations
Title: Community mobilization against racial profiling in metropolitan Montreal
Description: This project will consist of implementing a needs assessment survey for victims of racial profiling, creating community, research and stakeholder advisory committees, conducting focus groups with victims of racial profiling, and holding local community forums and conferences on racial profiling.
Funding Amount: $225,000
Organization: Head & Hands Inc.
Title: Éducation et mobilisation communautaire contre le profilage racial
Description: The project aims to prevent and combat racial profiling in the public safety sector of racialized English-speaking Montreal youth and Indigenous People in the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighbourhood.
Funding Amount: $109,455
Organization: Actions interculturelles de développement et d’éducation (AIDE) Inc.
Title: La diversité culturelle au service de l’excellence en employ
Description: This project aims to reduce systemic barriers to employment for people from culturally diverse backgrounds in the Estrie region.
Funding Amount: $200,000
Organization: Carrefour d’action interculturelle
Title: Saviez-vous que?
Description: The project aims to implement an awareness campaign that will develop around informative vignettes, disseminated through social media and other web-based means of communication, and that will present evidence that addresses stereotypes and prejudices regarding immigration, religious diversity, and the employability of immigrants.
Funding Amount: $74,581
Organization: Centre de justice des premiers peuples de Montréal
Title: Reducing barriers and improving access to resources for Indigenous adults and youth exiting the criminal justice system
Description: This project aims at providing support to Indigenous adults and youth leaving the mainstream justice and carceral system (including penal system), and to those finalizing alternative restorative and Indigenized justice processes.
Funding Amount: $137,358
Organization: Intégration jeunesse du Québec Inc.
Title: Entreprises Inclusives
Description: The proposed activities will combat racism and discrimination in the workplace, particularly in small and medium-sized businesses.
Funding Amount: $281,742
Organization: Service d’accueil des nouveaux arrivants de Shawinigan
Title: Sensibilisation au racisme en entreprise
Description: The project consists of conducting consultations with 20 businesses in the region in order to better understand the disparities and challenges faced by workers from immigrant and religious communities.
Funding Amount: $106,502
Organization: EQUITAS - Centre international d’éducation aux droits humains
Title: Strengthening Community Responses to Racism: Building Increased Social Participation of Newcomer, Racialized, and Indigenous Youth
Description: This project aims to deliver inclusive community programs that will increase social participation of newcomer, racialized, and Indigenous youth.
Funding Amount: $490,000
Organization: The Black Community Resource Centre
Title: In the Know Too (2)
Description: This project will address gaps in access to justice in English in Quebec, which contributes to youth, particularly Black youth, disengagement in society.
Funding Amount: $85,681
Organization: F Institute
Title: Pour le plein épanouissement des Québécoises musulmanes
Description: This two-part project aims to strengthen the leadership of Quebec Muslim women facing barriers to employment and social participation and to raise awareness in the organizational community in particular and among the general public on issues related to intercultural relations and the concepts of identity, culture, prejudice and stereotypes, particularly those related to Islam.
Funding Amount: $144,261
Organization: Alternatives, réseau d’action et de communication pour le développement international Inc.
Title: Un observatoire pour réduire les inégalités raciales et la discrimination en employabilité au sein des groupes racisés du Québec
Description: This project aims to address systemic barriers to employment facing racialized and immigrant groups in Quebec, through the creation of an Observatory for research on these barriers and the development of tools and resources to address them.
Funding Amount: $161,569
Organization: Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Title: Containing and Countering Canadian Hate Groups
Description: This project will increase the organization’s capacity to counter online hate by hiring four team members to carry out the monitoring of extreme-right groups, report on their activities and file complaints with law enforcement; it will educate the public as to these groups and the damage they create, and will share information through its Facebook and Twitter followers.
Funding Amount: $268,400
Organization: Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter
Title: Combatting Online Hate in Minority Language Media and Social Media: Understanding Misinformation in Chinese Language Media and Advancing Media Literacy
Description: This project will examine the presence of online hate on media platforms in the Chinese language media in Canada.
Funding Amount: $90,000
Organization: Aboriginal Legal Services Inc.
Title: Expansion of Indigenous Alternative Dispute Resolution and Land Based Teachings
Description: The project has two components are expanding the use of the organization’s alternative dispute resolution process; and piloting the use of land-based programming for Indigenous individuals who are involved with the justice system in Toronto.
Funding Amount: $290,000
Organization: Council of Agencies Serving South Asians
Title: Collaborative for Combatting Online Hate - Building an Online Anti-Hate Strategy & Content Toolkit for the Social Justice Sector
Description: This project aims to combat hate, racism, and xenophobia on the Internet.
Funding Amount: $176,800
Organization: National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM)
Title: Hackathon to End Online Islamophobia and Other Forms of Hate
Description: The National Council of Canadian Muslims will carry out a weekend long hackathon bringing together 50 developers who are leaders in the tech industry to develop innovative apps to combat online hate.
Funding Amount: $125,260
Organization: Centre canadien pour l’unité de la famille (CCF)
Title: J’affiche mon identité!
Description: This project aims to prevent and combat online hate in Halton Region while increasing the community’s skills, knowledge and resources to deal with racism and hate crimes through an online awareness, prevention and education campaign for youth and Halton’s Francophone community.
Funding Amount: $71,268
Organization: Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Title: Digital Anti-Racism Education (DARE) Project Phase 2
Description: The Canadian Council of Muslim Women will expand on Phase One of the Digital Anti-Racism Education project by providing tools and training to combat online hate.
Funding Amount: $316,700
Organization: The Dam - Develop Assist Mentor
Title: The Dam: Anti-Racism Youth Campaign
Description: The Dam - Develop Assist Mentor will develop and launch an anti-racism social media campaign led by youth to address and reduce racism on social media.
Funding Amount: $96,050
Organization: Nia Centre for the Arts Incorporated
Description: The activities include research into online hate and its effects on Black communities; the development of a toolkit to educate users on how to combat online hate on social media platforms; workshops for Black creatives on digital and media literacy; and the creation of digital content by Black creatives.
Funding Amount: $190,000
Organization: Black Legal Action Centre
Title: Preventing the Injustice of the School to Prison Pipeline for Black Children and Youth
Description: The proposed project is a multi-component initiative that will address systemic anti-Black racism within the Ontario’s education and criminal justice systems by delivering activities that aim to dismantle the "school-to-prison" pipeline.
Funding Amount: $336,577
Organization: Coalition of Muslim Women of KW
Title: Waterloo Region’s Response to Islamophobia
Description: The Coalition of Muslim Women of KW and its partners will initiate and manage a call-in and reporting and documentation system for online hate incidents and crimes.
Funding Amount: $285,000
Organization: Ryerson University
Title: Media Bias and Under-represented Groups (working title)
Description: The project aims to address systemic barriers through its Diversity Assessment Tool (DAT). The project is designed to examine media bias against Black, Indigenous, Jewish, and Muslim communities, barriers to employment in the media sector, and the consequent underrepresentation of these communities in the media sector.
Funding Amount: $250,000
Organization: Connecture Canada
Title: Réussir l’embauche des personnes racialisées sans discrimination
Description: This project plans to conduct research on employers who are implementing employment equity and an awareness campaign among racialized individuals to make them aware of the barriers to hiring.
Funding Amount: $143,000
Organization: Contact interculturel francophone de Sudbury
Title: Prévention et lutte contre le racism
Description: This organization plans to organize awareness and training sessions for employers, leaders of institutions, businesses, and community organizations. The objective of these sessions is to provide participants with new skills and knowledge that will enable them to fight racism and discrimination in the workplace
Funding Amount: $115,000
Organization: Taibu Community Health Centre
Title: Working While Black
Description: The proposed project is a nationwide initiative to work with Canadian employers to dismantle systemic anti-Black discrimination and racism in employment.
Funding Amount: $460,238
Organization: FSE - Francophones for Sustainable Environment, Inc.
Title: Systemic participation
Description: Through this project, the organization plans to conduct an awareness campaign among companies in the finance, insurance, new technology, and retail sectors in order to make them aware of the systematic barriers to employment experienced by racialized people.
Funding Amount: $112,000
Organization: Islamic Society of Markham
Title: Addressing Barriers to Justice, Employment, and Social Participation for Muslims in Markham
Description: The project aims to enhance positive relationships between youth and the criminal justice system, increase social participation of the community and reduce employment barriers due to Islamophobia.
Funding Amount: $146,030
Organization: Legal Aid Ontario
Title: Collection and Analysis of Race-Based Data in Bail Proceedings
Description: This project will strengthen the data collection processes of the organization in order to strengthen its advocacy role, specifically with regards to Indigenous and racialized communities within the bail process of the criminal justice system.
Funding Amount: $285,000
Organization: CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals
Title: Black to the Future
Description: The project is designed to support communities in addressing racism and providing opportunities for Black youth to fully engage in community and society at large.
Funding Amount: $279,500
Organization: Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services Corporation
Title: Pre-Charge Community Youth Intervention Worker
Description: The organization will expand its existing restorative justice program by introducing pre-charge youth intervention services, which will operate from existing offices in Sioux Lookout and Timmins.
Funding Amount: $376,788
Organization: Northern Ontario Research, Development, Ideas and Knowledge Institute
Title: Restorative Justice: Anti-Racism Youth Diversion Initiative
Description: The project will develop a framework for a Community-Based Justice Model; build restorative justice capacity by offering anti-racism and cultural competency training to Indigenous community service providers and mainstream service providers in the justice system; and promote greater collaboration between Indigenous community services and non-Indigenous organizations to improve outcomes for Indigenous youth who have interactions with the justice system.
Funding Amount: $171,864
Organization: Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
Title: Advancing Reconciliation in Ontario’s Cities and Towns
Description: This project aims to develop a new approach to engage urban Indigenous communities, and establish and deepen partnerships between Centres and municipalities to better meet the needs of urban Indigenous communities.
Funding Amount: $284,050
Organization: Unifor
Title: Action on Equity: Promoting Racial Justice in the Union and Workplace
Description: The project will address systemic barriers to employment for their members through hosting forums focused on anti-racism, reviewing best practices, developing tools and strategies.
Funding Amount: $147,083
Organization: Timmins Economic Development Corporation
Title: Timmins Diversity Awareness Project
Description: This awareness project aims to reduce barriers to employment experienced by newcomers to Timmins.
Funding Amount: $70,100
Organization: Women’s Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham (WMRCC)
Title: Challenge racism: What-to-do Steps
Description: This project aims to eliminate racial, religious, and cultural barriers to employment for minorities and under-privileged communities in Durham Region (Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Clarington).
Funding Amount: $161,094
Organization: The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
Title: United Against Online Hate
Description: This project will develop a national coalition with numerous targeted communities to actively combat online hate, following recommendations from the study conducted by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.
Funding Amount: $172,800
Organization: Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre
Title: Cultural Convergence: Bridging Arts Institutions with Diverse Communities
Description: This project will improve the capacity of arts organizations to implement diverse, inclusive, and accessible programming with the goal to eliminate barriers to social participation for racialized populations.
Funding Amount: $24,000
Organization: Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
Title: Young ACB Women’s Anti-Racism Insights to Action Project
Description: This project will strengthen the organization’s ability to advocate for better policies and programs for young African Caribbean Black (ACB) women towards better outcomes in employment and the justice system.
Funding Amount: $340,000
Organization: Sketch Working Arts for Street Involved and Homeless Youth
Title: Bridging the Employment Gaps
Description: The project will deliver accessible anti-racist, anti-oppression training to community organizations with the long-term deliverable of creating sustainable and safe work environments for Black, Indigenous, Trans and Non-Binary youth of colour in the Greater Toronto Area.
Funding Amount: $178,358
Organization: The Catholic Centre for Immigrants, Ottawa
Title: Equity Ottawa Anti-Racism Action Capacity Support
Description: This project aims to enhance the capacity of participating organizations to address the systemic barriers experienced by residents in Ottawa in relation to employment and social participation.
Funding Amount: $380,578
Organization: Accessible Community Counselling and Employment Services
Title: Challenging and Changing Barriers to Hiring and Retention of Racial Minorities in the Workplace
Description: The project aims to confront the barriers and challenges racialized minorities are facing during three phases of the employment process: hiring, retention, and career mobility.
Funding Amount: $200,000
Organization: Brandon University
Title: Viral Vitriol? Using Online Platforms to Promote Peace
Description: The project will create a series of videos that feature micro aggressions, systemic racism, systemic privilege and other subtler forms of racism and discrimination such as unconscious bias and will highlight the disparities experienced by racialized individuals compared to non-racialized individuals.
Funding Amount: $105,497
Organization: Restorative Justice Association of Manitoba Inc.
Title: Restorative Justice Association of Manitoba (RJAM): Creating Space for Community Based Justice
Description: This project addresses systemic racism in the justice sector.
Funding Amount: $94,200
Organization: Social Planning Council of Winnipeg Inc.
Title: Winnipeg’s anti-racism in sport campaign
Description: This campaign seeks to address and eliminate barriers to social participation in sports and recreation among racialized communities, Indigenous Peoples, and religious minorities.
Funding Amount: $266,100
Organization: Bilal Community and Family Centre Inc.
Title: Uniting communities through Restorative Youth Justice
Description: This project will offer a series of recidivism prevention capacity-building programs, cultural workshops, mediation, mentorship, leadership, teachings circles and counselling sessions, and addiction referrals to aid in the healing and reparation of harm.
Funding Amount: $212,000
Organization: Saskatchewan Health Authority
Title: Designing Policies to Enable a Representative Workforce in a Complex Healthcare System
Description: This project aims to develop a unit framework and strategy to address systemic racism against First Nations and Métis people within the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
Funding Amount: $182,500
Organization: Sask Sport Inc.
Title: Saskatchewan Intercultural Competency Initiative
Description: In partnership with Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, Sask Sport Inc. will support the development of a feasible delivery model that includes innovative curricula to provide the sector with the necessary skills and abilities related to supporting intercultural competency.
Funding Amount: $65,228
Organization: Reach Edmonton Council
Title: Action Alberta Communities Responding to Hate
Description: This project will combat online and in-person hate directed at Indigenous, racialized and religious minority communities in Alberta, particularly in rural areas.
Funding Amount: $255,000
Organization: Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary
Title: To be determined by an Indigenous Elder
Description: The AFCC will deliver an independent research project focused on assessing the functioning and efficacy of the recently established Calgary Indigenous Court.
Funding Amount: $55,000
Organization: African Canadian Civic Engagement Council
Title: Advance Youth Leadership Academy – AYLA
Description: The objective of the project is to address anti-Black racism in the Edmonton Police Service (EPS), which can lead to systemic barriers and the over-representation of African Canadian Black (ACB) youth in the justice system.
Funding Amount: $146,000
Organization: MacEwan University
Title: FOR THE GROWTH OF THE GAME: Addressing Racial Discrimination in Hockey
Description: This project will increase and strengthen research evidence, as well as increase the availability and accessibility of data, evidence and community insights regarding the barriers that racialized individuals face when participating in the sport of hockey.
Funding Amount: $65,000
Organization: Red Deer Urban Aboriginal Voices Society
Title: Youth Peace Camp Initiative
Description: This multilayered project will grow into a mobile response structure that will provide cultural awareness workshops and community conversations in a small city that continues to struggle with issues of racism and discrimination, particularly during the recent financial recession in Alberta.
Funding Amount: $125,000
Organization: Town of Strathmore
Title: Aawotoahka
Description: This project will support the Town of Strathmore in addressing historical and ongoing racism against the Indigenous community, particularly the Siksika First Nation, which is the second largest reserve in Canada and neighbours Strathmore.
Funding Amount: $260,000
Organization: Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service
Title: Re-Designing Our Relationship with Indigenous Communities
Description: This project will design and deliver a comprehensive cultural training program for Alberta law enforcement agencies and other representatives in the justice system that will challenge and dispel stereotypes of Indigenous Peoples and address unconscious biases.
Funding Amount: $215,000
British Columbia
Organization: Deltassist Family and Community Services Society
Title: Increasing Awareness and Improving Responsiveness to Racism and Hate in Delta
Description: Deltassist Family and Community Services Society will improve, strengthen and build the capacity of the community to address online hate.
Funding Amount: $74,100
Organization: Lift Community Services of Qathet Society
Title: Bridging the Boundaries
Description: The objective of the project is to address barriers faced by the Indigenous community in accessing programs and services within the justice system.
Funding Amount: $222,000
Organization: Videa A Bc- Based International Development Education Association
Title: Journeys into Inclusion and Kindness
Description: This project will confront online hate that is directed at Indigenous youth.
Funding Amount: $199,000
Organization: British Columbia Electrical Association (BCEA)
Title: Building Diversity and Inclusion into the Electrical Industry
Description: This project will support the BCEA to work with its members in developing inclusive workplaces and addressing barriers for racialized communities in accessing and retaining employment in the electrical industry.
Funding Amount: $80,000
Organization: Cowichan Valley Intercultural and Immigrant Aid Society
Title: Multi-System Anti-Racism Action Program for Cowichan
Description: This program will be delivered through two inter-related components. A local racism and marginalization study will gather data to provide local governments, schools, and community organizations with the evidence and input to better understand racism in the Cowichan Valley context.
Funding Amount: $54,820
Organization: Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria
Title: Tools for Equity: ICA Equity Training Program
Description: This training program will deliver a multi-layered diversity, equity, and inclusion training program for businesses and organizations in Victoria.
Funding Amount: $145,000
Organization: Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council
Title: Red Chair Project on Racism & Discrimination
Description: This project will support the applicant to strategically work with key organizations and ally communities to further reconciliation efforts, as well as to engage community members who are unaware or uninformed with respects to Indigenous history and current issues.
Funding Amount: $105,000
Organization: Northeast Aboriginal Business Centre Society
Title: Cultural Competency Training
Description: Through a partnership with Shell Canada, the Northeast Aboriginal Business Centre will pilot a training curriculum with managers and employees of the company.
Funding Amount: $115,000
Organization: Pride in Art Society
Title: Holding Space for QTBIPOC Artists and Audiences
Description: This project will address barriers to employing and engaging QTBIPOC artists and communities, as well as provide opportunities to strengthen Indigenous and racialized LGBTQ2 artists, whose intersectional identities often present additional barriers and increased marginalization.
Funding Amount: $149,000
Organization: Simon Fraser University-Simon Fraser University Galleries
Title: Strategies for Diversity in Canadian Arts Organizations
Description: The project consists of an in-depth examination of diversity policies from a random sampling of 50 Canadian arts institutions that receive operating funds from the Canada Council for the Arts’ "Engage and Sustain" category.
Funding Amount: $125,000
Organization: Nisa Foundation
Title: Knowledge is the road to empowerment: a digital campaign to empower Muslim women to experience meaningful & positive participation in Canadian society
Description: This project will work with young Muslim women, ages 14–25, who are living in communities with a low Muslim population and limited access to culturally appropriate resources, often making it challenging to fully participate in society.
Funding Amount: $170,000
Organization: Al Ihsan Educational Foundation
Title: Islam Unravelled
Description: Through this project, Al-Ihsan Education Foundation will address online hate and provide training to members within public service organizations.
Funding Amount: $150,000
Organization: Justice for Girls Outreach Society
Title: Addressing Barriers to Enhance Access to Employment, Leadership Training, Supports, Resources and Justice for Indigenous Young Women and Teenage Girls
Description: This project will create opportunities for systemic changes that will improve the outcomes of Indigenous women and girls.
Funding Amount: $206,970
Organization: Kwanlin Dun First Nation
Title: Justice through Healing
Description: This pilot project will build awareness of the extensive impact of racialized structures and processes in the justice system, and to create capacity to respond to racism through culturally relevant services for the Kwanlin Dun First Nation.
Funding Amount: $165,000
Organization: Yukon Circle of Social Change Society
Title: Reconciliation through Restorative Practices Community Programme
Description: This project will utilize restorative justice practices and the delivery of peace building workshops to address systemic barriers associated with the justice system and social participation in the community.
Funding Amount: $44,000
For more information (media only), please contact:
Danielle Keenan
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth
Canadian Heritage
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