Canada 150: Prince Edward Islanders at the Heart of the Celebration

News Release

May 12, 2017 – Charlottetown – Department of Canadian Heritage

Sean Casey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Member of Parliament (Charlottetown), today announced funding for a series of community projects in Prince Edward Island that will help mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.

He made the announcement on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, and the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

Prince Edward Islanders and visitors will be able to celebrate Canada 150 by participating in activities that showcase the province’s linguistic and cultural diversity, including its Indigenous and Acadian peoples and rich agricultural heritage. Several of the activities encourage young people to take an active part, giving them an opportunity to get involved in our society and shape the Canada of tomorrow.

The Government of Canada is providing $1,778,507 through Canadian Heritage’s Canada 150 Fund, and $50,000 through ACOA. The government is pleased to support local, regional and national activities designed to help Canadians across the country take part in the celebrations, and to make 2017 an unforgettable year.

Parliamentary Secretary Casey also took advantage of the opportunity to illuminate, for the first time, the 3D Canada 150 sign in Charlottetown. Between now and June 21, several 3D Canada 150 signs will be installed at favourite tourist destinations in provincial and territorial capitals across Canada.


Name of organization

Name of activity



Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island

What does Canada 150 mean to you?

Beginning in June 2017, two dozen rural museums across the province will present interactive and participatory exhibitions inviting visitors to comment on artifacts that reflect the Canada 150 themes of diversity, reconciliation, the environment and young people.



Discover Charlottetown Inc.


From June to September, an interactive light and sound show will be projected on the side of the Confederation Centre of the Arts. This show will be the result of an invitation to youth across Canada to share their vision for Canada, 50 years into the future.


from ACOA


La Fédération culturelle de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Carnaval en Promenade

Carnaval en Promenade (“travelling carnival”) will present performances featuring a fusion of traditional Mi’kmaq and Acadian dancing and circus arts. The Carnaval will appear at 10 festivals and events across Prince Edward Island and 2 elsewhere in Canada,.



PEI Agriculture Sector Council

Prince Edward Island Barn Quilt Trail

Over 100 barns across rural Prince Edward Island will be ornamented with barn quilts. Each “quilt” will provide information on the farm and will celebrate its achievements, awards and environmental stewardship practices.



Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission

Canadians at 150: Celebrating a Journey of Reconciliation

Interactive, original, youth-led and Mi’kmaq culture-inspired activities will take place in December 2017.

The project will culminate in a larger community celebration where the youth involved will share their learnings, perform and display their artistic work in an interactive way with the audience.



Rock Barra Artist Retreat Co-Operative Ltd.

The Waters and the Wild – Three Seasons of Experiencing Nature Through Art at Rock Barra Artist Retreat

Seventeen interactive workshops with artists and naturalists will be running from May to October. Through workshops, participants will explore one of the countless stunningly beautiful places in this country. Through nature they will discover a common bond of place that ties all of our cultures together as one.



Friends of The Dunk Inc.

Ebb & Flow – Connecting Canadians Along the Moving River

From June to November 2017, contemporary Canadian artists and musicians across Canada will be invited to participate in a five-day “Artists-in Residence” retreat in a remote rural area of Prince Edward Island to celebrate diversity in inclusive ways, connect with nature, and contemplate shared visions to help shape the future of Canada.



Central Coastal Tourism Partnership Inc.

Waterways Paddling Festival

The Festival will begin with a two-day-long paddle of 19 kilometres along the south shore of Prince Edward Island, between Borden/Carlton and Victoria-by-the-Sea, and finish with a day of celebrations with activities including canoe and kayak building demonstrations, local and Mi'kmaq arts and crafts, musicians and other paddling activities for all ages.

from ACOA


Community of York

York, PEI, Canada: Experience our Past – Imagine our Future

This celebration will take place in September and will feature a variety of activities that will allow people to experience pursuits of the past, as well as share dreams of the future.



The Adventure Group Inc.

“Come Play in our Heritage Forest”

Using nature, this project will present a “living” art exhibit in a wooded forest located in Charlottetown and will depict events that helped shaped the Canada that we know today.

A theatrical performance incorporating important events from the past 150 years will take place in an outdoor theatre within Charlottetown’s designated Heritage Forest and will focus on the role of nature in connecting all Canadians.

150 new trees will planted representing 150 important Canadians throughout history.



Bedeque Area Historical Society Inc.

Together in The Great Spirit: Preserving the Children of Abegweit

This will be a two-day festival of hands-on experiences where participants will be invited to take part in activities such as authentic basket weaving; quilling lessons; building birch bark canoes; constructing wigwams and a double-saw frontiersman competition.

Local museums will be open to the public free of charge, offering interactive learning experiences through newly designed C150 exhibits.



Lennox Island Mi’kmaq Cultural Centre / Lennox Island Band

150 Years In My Moccasins

The Centre will present eight cultural engagement sessions where participants will be provided with the opportunity for hands-on, experiential learning such as birch bark/quill art crafts; basket weaving; talking sticks and talking circles; creating a community drum; hieroglyphs, petroglyphs and the Mi’kmaq language; and traditional games and teachings.

The project will culminate with a series of cultural cuisine sessions, showcasing traditional recipes of Mi’kmaq and Acadian peoples and demonstrating how traditional cooking methods evolved into modern-day recipes and food preparation.



Conseil Rév. S.-E.-Perrey Inc.

Celebrating Success Thru Unity

A series of events will be held during the summer and fall of 2017 that will promote the theme “Unity – Canada’s 150th anniversary.”



Crapaud Exhibition Association Limited

Celebrating 150 Years of Canadian Diversity

During the last weekend of July 2017, the Annual Agriculture Exhibition will add a mini pow-wow to its existing programming to include traditional Mi’kmaq storytelling, poetry and song, as well as drumming and dance.



The River Clyde Pageant

Youth as Unifiers: The Terry Canada 150 Initiative

The initiative will offer a series of performances engaging members from the local community, particularly youth, to tell the story of PEI’s rivers and their past, present and future importance to the establishment and maintenance of communities.



Community of St. Peter’s Bay

The Bay: Celebrating the Past, Considering the Present, Contemplating the Future

A community celebration will be held in August, and a story-telling festival focussing on the evolution, challenges and prosperities of their local community over the past 150 years will be held in September.



Town of Alberton

Communities to Country – Celebrating 150 Years

The town of Alberton will hold a 3-day heritage and cultural festival from August 25–27, 2017, with musical entertainment for all ages.



The Native Council of Prince Edward Island

NCPEI Celebrates Canada 150

A truth and reconciliation youth forum will be held in the summer of 2017. Participants will have the opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments and likenesses, and to learn about their culture and history.

The event will culminate with discussion groups on implementing change, conquering obstacles and creating lasting partnerships toward a common goal of truth and reconciliation.



Wyatt Heritage Properties Inc.

My Canada – My Place: Projections in Nation Building

An interactive projection technology will be shown in classrooms and public spaces to bring blue- and grey-collar workers from the past to life, highlighting their significant contribution in shaping Canada over the past 150 years.



La Société Saint-Thomas-D’aquin

School–Community Gardens

A school–community garden will be created at each of Prince Edward Island’s six French-language school–community centres.

The Indigenous community will contribute to the project by sharing the importance and usefulness of medicinal plants and helping to design a healing garden in each community.



Boys and Girls Club of Summerside

Canadian Dreams – Past Triumphs Inspiring Today's Youth

More than 500 youth will meet with Canadian sports icons to be mentored through positive messaging, taught the ingredients of healthy living, respect, and strong core values.

The week-long event will include a celebrity parade, motivational speaking engagements, interactive sports camps, and a youth mentorship expo.



The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada Inc.

Canada 150 Festival

This festival will celebrate the history and culture of Prince Edward Island to create a better understanding of the Mi’kmaq, Acadian/Francophone, Scottish and Irish communities.

Through interactive dance, music, story and song, participants will have the opportunity to learn their shared histories in an effort to create awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity.



“The Canada 150 celebrations are a major milestone and an ideal opportunity to mark this important anniversary in communities across Canada, including in Prince Edward Island. Our government is pleased to support projects and activities that showcase the things that make our communities unique, diverse and dynamic, and that leave a legacy for future generations. So go ahead—participate, celebrate and explore!”

—The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

“I invite all Canadians to come visit us in 2017 and participate in the many activities organized to celebrate Canada 150! Our province abounds in beautiful places, and our people will give you a warm welcome. Come celebrate with us, and enjoy the Prince Edward Island experience! We can’t wait to see you!”

—Sean Casey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Member of Parliament (Charlottetown)

“The 150th anniversary of Confederation is the perfect time to highlight the richness and diversity of our cultural heritage. Projects that celebrate our culture and heritage are important to all Canadians, and also of interest to visitors to Canada. Tourism is vitally important to Canada’s economy, and I’m confident that projects like these will attract many visitors over the coming season.”

—The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Quick Facts

  • The Government of Canada is providing total funding of $1,778,507 for 22 new community projects in Prince Edward Island.

  • Several of the communities where 3D Canada 150 signs are being installed will also host memorable Canada Day festivities.

  • The main themes of the Government of Canada’s vision for Canada 150 are diversity and inclusion, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the environment and youth.

  • The Canada 150 Fund was created in April 2015 and has a total budget of $200 million.


For more information (media only), please contact:

Pierre-Olivier Herbert
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

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