User Fees

Fee name

Fee levy under the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program (CPTC)

Fee type

Regulatory fee

The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) is responsible for determining whether a production is a Canadian film or video production and for estimating eligible labour expenditures for the CPTC.

The fees allow CAVCO to administer the program and recommend to the Minister of Canadian Heritage the issuance of a Canadian Film or Video Production Certificate and a Certificate of Completion for productions that meet Canadian content requirements and are thus eligible for the CPTC.

There are also fees for an amended certificate and certified copy of an already issued certificate.

Fee-setting authority

Department of Canadian Heritage Act

CAVCO of Canadian Heritage co-administers this program with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Reason for planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee

CAVCO is a Vote Netted Revenues organization. It had two objectives for originally establishing the fee structure:

  • To establish fees that would be simple and equitable for the entire audio-visual industry; and
  • To recover the cost of the services provided by CAVCO.

In 2004, CAVCO modified the user fee structure for the CPTC program to maintain service standards.

Effective date of planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee


Consultation and review process planned


More detailed information on the CPTC is available at:

Fee name

Fee Levy Under the Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit Program (PSTC)

Fee type

Regulatory fee

The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) is responsible for determining whether a production is an accredited production.

The fees allow CAVCO to administer the program and recommend to the Minister of Canadian Heritage the issuance of an Accredited Film or Video Production Certificate for productions that qualify and are thus eligible for the PSTC.

There are also fees for an amended certificate and certified copy of an already issued certificate.

Fee-setting authority

Department of Canadian Heritage Act

CAVCO of Canadian Heritage co-administers this program with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Reason for planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee

CAVCO is a Vote Netted Revenues organization. It had two objectives for originally establishing the fee structure:

  • To establish fees that would be simple and equitable for the entire audio-visual industry; and
  • To recover the cost of the services provided by CAVCO.

The user fee structure for the PSTC established in 1997 has never been modified.

Effective date of planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee


Consultation and review process planned


More detailed information on the PSTC is available at:

Fee name

Canadian Conservation Institute user fees
Publications and Special Products

Fee type

Other products and services

Fee-setting authority

Financial Administration Act, paragraph 19 (1) (b)

Department of Canadian Heritage Act, subsection 9

Reason for planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee

Fees for recent publications available for purchase are determined at the time of publishing and are based on a comparison of comparable CCI and/or market prices.

Effective date of planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee


Consultation and review process planned

Review process in 2016-17: Feedback evaluation to be included in all publications sales packages.

Page details

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